ALOFA TUVALU was born from the will to save Tuvalu, the first nation threatened to be submerged due to climate change. This 26 km² archipelago – 9 islands lost in the South Pacific – is the symbol of what awaits us all if we do nothing to stop global warming. After a film “Trouble in Paradise” produced in 2003 about the situation in Tuvalu, Gilliane Le Gallic (who initiated Earth Day in french speaking countries in 1990) went back to gather the Tuvaluans around her assistance project “Small is Beautiful”. Back in France, she created the association in February 2005 in order to host the project. Today ALOFA TUVALU gathers several hundreds of members and supports, including media, artists, scientists, and of course Tuvaluans.
Because we are all Tuvaluans, ALOFA TUVALU nourishes the ambition to contribute to an active global movement through a set of concrete and reproducible actions on the archipelago. Their reproduction will give us as many tools to preserve our environment, and hopes of a solution for all of us.
Key player of the United Nations Decade for Education in Sustainable Development, Alofa Tuvalu is a French Climate Action Network board member and a member of TuCan (Tuvalu Climate Action Network) as well. Promoting experience sharing, the NGO has been contributing to a climate refugees working group coordinated for 3 years by the European Deputy Helène Flautre ; Alofa Tuvalu is a member of the Collectif for International Solidarity at the Education League and an invited member of Coordination Sud’s platform for Climate & Development. The NGO is also a member of the Directors in Environment European Society (SERE).


Gilliane Le Gallic, Alofa Tuvalu association’s President and Goodwill Ambassador of the Environment for Tuvalu, is a director and environmentalist. Since the shooting of “Trouble in Paradise” in 2003, she’s dedicating herself to Tuvalu and imagined the Small is Beautiful plan as well as the AMATUKU micro-model project.
Lisbeth Berger, Vice-President has been managing the French Earth Day NGO from 1992 to 2003. Currently working at the French Ministry of Culture, she’s participating at every step of the the NGO’s life.
Séverine Jacquet, Treasurer, a project water consultant she is an engineer in water science and technology, a Phd in marine environment.
Cyril Josset, general secretary, a lighting company president, he was the first outsider to purchase a copy of the film and to suggest the creation of the NGO structure.
Fanny Heros, a project officer and scientific journalist, she was part of the 2005 survey trip and is since one of the key member of the team.
Laure Noualhat, a journalist for the French daily paper Liberation, she went to Tuvalu with Gilliane Le Gallic in 2004. The Tuvaluan issues are very dear to her heart. She is also very involved in antinuclear actions and wrote many articles about Tchernobyl.
Alix Graillot, Alofa Tuvalu’s first trainee, student in communication, she was part of every first steps of the association.

Dr Sarah Hemstock (SH SOLUTIONS), consultant for the Imperial College Center for Energy Policy and Technology and SOPAC in Fiji. A specialist of biomass, she has actively participated in the Alofa Tuvalu’s renewable energy study and is supervising the Micro-model program. Her last book "Biomass Assessment Handbook" available on "Biomass Assessment Handbook". More info : www.thembatrust.org.uk and www.cusichaca.org
Pierre Radanne, (FUTUR FACTEUR 4, 4D), a climate and renewable energies specialist almost since ever. Amongst other things he was for a while President of Earth Day France. President of the French National Energy Agency (1997-2002), he then became an idependant consultant and, in 2006, published "Energies de ton siècle!, des crises à la mutation" (more about and updates on www.lignes-de-reperes.com.)

Sikeli Raisuqe, researcher for the Fijian Minister of agricultur, biogas specialist, consultant on the micro-model project and the Biogas in Nanumea project.

Gilles Vaitilingom, (CIRAD) Biodiesel specialist in the Pacific, consultant on the micro-model project
François Letourneux, an engineer, an artist, and member of several environmental associations, was a director at the Environment Ministry and managed the littoral conservancy before becoming Eurosite and UICN French committee (world conservation union) President.
More info on www.uicn.fr
Christian Brodhag, a strong support for Earth Day France in 1990, he is a researcher in Environment since 1992. Since then he has not stopped acting, publishing, conferencing and is one of the key people in the French sustainable development arena. has been concerned with our environment.
More info on www.brodhag.org

Some active members and supports


Nala Lelemia, Patron and Former Prime-Minister Apisai Ielemia ’s wife
Susie Saitala Kofe, Alofa Tuvalu first President, Men and Women rights first President, legal specialist
Risasi Finikaso, Alofa Tuvalu association’s Treasurer and Vaiaku Lagi Hotel’s manager
Eti Esala, Alpha Navigation, Alofa Tuvalu Vice-President, coordination
Melton Tauetia, Alofa Tuvalu General Secretary, Tuvalu Government Climate Change Officer
John Hensford, Alpha Pacific Navigation’s director and Alofa Tuvalu active member
Hilia Vavae, engineer, in charge of Tuvalu’s Met OFFICE
Pennilei Metia, former TANGO and women association’s General Secretary, Filamona lodge manager
Eseta Lauti, responsible for Red Cross
Catherine Moulogo, PWD employee and Alofa Tuvalu active member
Leota S Patiale, TMTI chief engeneer, has been a key people in the renewable energy implementations and trainings in Amatuku
Lee K Moresi, Amatuku Biogas digester responsible, he became an expert in biogas technology, an Alofa Tuvalu active member at large since 2006
Kelesoma Saloa, Prime Minister Office
Teuleala Manuella, responsible for Tuvalu Social Service for many years, she now represents Alofa Tuvalu in Nanumea (the archipelago northest island) where amongst other things she is following up biogaz implementations
Vete Sakaio, civil engineer in charge of the Training Center’s building in Amatuku, current Minister of Public Works and Natural Ressources
Charles Lomieta, architect on the Amatuku micro-model project

AND : Apisai LELEMIA, former Prime Minister, Maatia TAOFA, Prime Minister, Panapasi NELESONE, Secretary of government, Enele SOPOAGA, Deputy Prime-Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Environment and Labour, ex-UN Ambassador, Tavau TEII, ex-Minister of Natural Resources and environment, Taukelina FINIKASO, Minister for Communication, Transport, Fisheries, , Lotoala METIA, ex-Minister for Finances, Saufatu SOPOAGA, ex-Minister for Energy and Transports, Monise LAAFAI, Minister for Finances and Planning, Laima NELESONE et Molipi TAUSI, Energy Office, Semese ALEFAIO, Funafuti Marine Conservation Area initiator, Seve PAENIU, former High Commission in Fiji, Temukisa HAUMA, school principal, Siuila TOLOA, teacher and Island Care President, Capt. Jonathan GAYTON, Captain Barry YOUNG et Capt Richard HENSHAW, Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute former captains, Melali TAAPE, Silafaga LALUA , Yvette D’UNIENVILLE, Diana SEMI, Tuvalu Media journalists, Tafue LUSAMA (TuCan), Tupulaga POULASI (Tuvalu Fisheries), Nikolasi APINELU (Tuvalu Fisheries), Eliala FIHAKI (NBSAP), Tataua PESE (Red Cross), Niuone ELIUTA, sport officer, Moeo FINAUGA (Tuvalu Fisheries), Reverend Tofiga FALAGI, EKT (Tuvalu church) President , Reverend Kitiona TAUSI, AKT general secretary, Luke PAENIU, Sakala ANDREW, Vaieli FALAUI, Vavao SAMONAIA, Isaia TAAPE, Hellani TUKUIA, Tito ISALA, Kaio Tiira TAULA, Kalisi SOGIVALU, etc...  |
Kent, started his artistic career as a comic book cartoonist. He and Gilliane Le Gallic have been friends for a long time, so when it came to create “Our Planet under Water”, Alofa Tuvalu’s President immediately thought of him. Happy coincidence, the singer had just finished his track “Our Earth” and intended to dedicate it to Earth Day, the worldwide movement,t initiated in France by Gilliane Le Gallic in 1990. Kent naturally dedicated his track to the Tuvaluan cause and regularly appears in conferences, meetings and public debates on Tuvalu.
Christopher Horner, Director, co-author of “Trouble in Paradise”, also is an architect specialized in environment. Among other things, he acts today as an architectural consultant for Alofa Tuvalu's micro-model project. |
Jocelyn Carlin, photographs consistently for documentary and exhibition projects; she also works successfully on illustrative, advertising, corporate and industrial photographic assignments. Based in Auckland's central city, she's a world traveler and a compassionate artist.
http://www.carlin.co.nz/photographer.php |
HAYES Mark, among thousand activities, is a professor in Journalism at the Queensland University of Technology. He fell in love with Tuvalu in 2002, went back in 2004. That's when we met... Along with Jocelyn Carlin, we decided then to create a "friends of Tuvalu" association which became "Alofa Tuvalu". The 2 of them also witnessed with us the 2006 king tides in Tuvalu. |
FarraH, webmaster for Alofa Tuvalu. She defines herself as a digital artist who creates among other things electronic music and photographs of hairy naked men bathing in almost caramelized filaments.
More info on http://www.diod.org |
Marie-Pierre Cabello, (Environment Directors Society),
President of the Environment Directors Society, Marie-Pierre Cabello has been organizing each month for 12 years “ Environment on Tuesdays”, along with Patricia Ricard, President of the Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute. At least two editions were exclusively dedicated to climate change through the example of Tuvalu. Thank to her and her collaboration to the Planete network that Gilliane Le Gallic and Christopher Horner were able to shoot “Trouble in Paradise”, the documentary through which this adventure started.
More info on www.mardi-sere.com
Clemmie James, friend and faithful support from the UK, she would not miss an opportunity to promote Alofa Tuvalu’s projects. When they met in Funafuti in 2009, she brought Gilliane a shopping made of a recycled “Our Planet Under Water” comic book. The starting point of a frienship and a key step in her “climate friend” project. |
Sandrine Job, Marine ecology consultant, expert in coral, met in Tuvalu in 2008 as she was working for CRISP. She is involved in the Small is Beautiful plan since the Tuvalu Marine Life project was launched and is acting as the project’s scientific adviser. |
Laurent Leguyader, selfmade engineer in electronics, a support for a long while : volunteer for Earthday since 1990 amongst other NGOs he is involved in, he is an Alofa Tuvalu great supporter from the very beginning, from printers’ reviving to booth keeping, via advising on environmental coherence. |
Laurent Weyl (Argos collective),
a photographer, he went to Tuvalu for a report on climatic refugees, as part of a project on this theme for the Argos collective he belongs to. He is a member of Alofa Tuvalu and joins in meetings and debates and supplies posters for Alofa Tuvalu’s actions. More info on http://www.collectifargos.com
Richard Lavieille, photographer,
Photographer and great traveler, Richard Lavieille was in 1999 the only tourist in Tuvalu. In transit on his way to Kiribati, he had to wait one and a half month for a boat … plenty of time to make friend with the Tuvaluans. As a member of Alofa Tuvalu, he is a helping hand on exhibitions and events!
Elisabeth May, graphic designer and architect,
Elisabeth May designs in no time whatever ALOFA TUVALU needs. From the logo to the 8 pages presentation.
Line Lavesque, (A travers le paysage/ through the landscape),
This bubbly lady, a designer and a photographer, works with the French Coast Preservation agency. She designed the layout on “”Our Planet under water” and is an Alofa Tuvalu active member. She participated on many books, such as “Visa V Littoral, Piétinement, La pointe du Raz” with magnificent photos taken by Raymond Depardon, for which she co-wrote twith François Letourneux. More info on www.conservatoire-du-littoral.fr
Didier Gauthier, General secretary of Séché environment,
specialized in waste management, Didier Gauthier supports Alofa Tuvalu on a personal level, and our presentation leaflet was financed thank to his company. More info on www.groupe-seche.com
Lambert WILSON, Nicolas VANNIER, Monica FOSSATI /Ekwo, Michel THOULOUZE (MTH), Patricia CLARY, Jean MUGUET, Linda COHEN, Angeline GALLIOT, Edwige GUILLON, Elisabeth Van ZIJLL LANGHOUT, Laetitia RAGOT, Raphaelle MARGAIL, Emmanuelle HEROS, Sacha DARTIGUENAVE, Eric BAUDE, Michel et Marianne LETELLIER-FOWLER, Jacqueline SINGELLOS, Ariane DEBADIER, Alain MANEVAL, Ludovic BERNAUDAT, Amaury CORDONNIER, GREENPEACE, Claude TAIEB, Françoise DE LA FOREST, Chrystèle HUART, Laurent Le GUYADER, Dr. François DANAIN, Bryan CANNON, Jane RESTURE, Isabelle AUTISSIER, Serge ORRU, Carina ORRU, Jean OGIER, Charlotte GUITARD, Gwenael WASSE, Guy POIRIER, Bruno FULIGNI, Wenda O'REILLY, Helen FITZGERALD, Halima HAMDAME, Marie Helene RUDEL, Yves LESPRIT, Tina TRIGALA, Michèle PILHAN, Marie PILHAN (One Planet Production), Bertrand GROENE, JC TOURTET, Anne-Marie FERRAND, Marie-Helene BERETTA, Nathan BECKER, Sylvie BEZUEL, Francis BIGARD, Billy BOSC, Annie BOUVET, Agnès BOVET, Pierre BRESSIANT, Isabel BRISSON, Cot CASTAILNEDE, Eve DELAUNEY, Anne DENIS, Nathalie DESCHAMPS DURAND, Leatitia FARRIS, Fabrice FLIPO, GAILLARD, François GEMENNE, Véronique et George GEOFFROY, Bernadette GILBERTAS, Eric GRINDA (Artisan 14), Francois GUETARY, HUBERT, Vincent ISSERTES, Armelle JAUFFRET, Alain JOURET, Seduna KASPERET, LAROCHE, Anne LAUDON, Olivier LE BOURSICOT, Gil LE PARMENTIER, Marie Claire LHENRY, Virginie LLEDO, Karim MAHMOUD-VINTAM, Valérie MASSIA, Menson MATHOREL, Antonius MOONEN, Laurent MOREAU, Noelle NAUDIT, PAGEZY, PARIS, PERROT-MINNOT, Bernard PONTOISE, PRINGAU, Jean Paul REBERT, Alain RENARD, Patrice RICHARD, Patrick ROTH, Maximilien ROUER (Be Citizen), Laurent SIMON, Sandra STRASSER, Pierre TAVERNIER, Michel TIBOU-CORNILLOT, Christian/Muriel VALLEE, Alexandra WARNERY, Stephan LOUILLAT, Marie Blanche ALTAYRAC BERNARD, Christophe CABELLO, Florence CLAVAUD, Ghislain CUNIER, Guillaume DE NIL, Sophia DELAS FERRAH, Renée FULHES, Mélanie KORONKO, Alain LAFON, Fabien LERET, Philippe LEVY, Sylvain MINKIM, Julie MOTTE, Céline OLERON, Isabelle OULA, RE GLE, Frederic SPANGENBERG, Bruno Alberto ANSELURETTI, Martine ANDREANI, Eric ANDRES, Sonia ARNSTAM, Pierre-Henri ARNSTAM, René BAZIN, Pascal et Jean-Luc BELLENOUE, Gwenaelle BODERE, Fabien BOSSUAT, David COOSET, Pablo DOMINICI, Ecole publique du Quintal, Loïc EGALON, Dominique FABRE MICHELANGELI, Jean-Laurent FELIZIA, Jocelyne FORNELLI, Nicolas FREMONT, Eric GUILLOMAR, Yolaine LACOLONGE, Armelle LE BIHAN, Les Gandousiers, Dominique LUSSAN, Christophe MARTINE, Noelle Vaiata MOHI, Marie-Line PAOLINI, Jean Paya, Francesca PUTZOLU, Medwin RUMO, Sasha et Annick RUTILY, Borgo Pozzodi, Céline SAJAS, Nanni SALIO, Patrick SURACE, Anna TERWESTEN, Jean-Claude THIBAUT, Stéphanie THIERRY, Marie-Pierre VUAILLAT FARATCHE, Magali WENZ, Ann WERNERNS, Claude GASPART, Nicolas GILBERT, Shaenaz VOSS, Christian DEBOIREDON, Ammar SIHAM, Mouldi ATTIA, François BARTOLI, Jean-Victor BOCCARA, Elodie CAZAL-COUJATY, Alain CHABOD, Jean COUPIAC, Jacques CROS, Isabelle DEMERSON, Nathalie DESRUELLES, GALTIER Jean-Pierre, Yvon GERVAISE, Anne GUERNIER, Julien JADOT, Yves LEMAIRE, David LY, Johan MARIAU, Thierry MAROLLEAU, Fabrice MATTHIEUX, Jean-Christophe MIKHAILOFF, Ibrahima Khaliloullah NDIAYE, Xavier PELLET, Isabelle ROGEZ, Philippe ROZIAU, Idrissi Abdelouahhab SERGHINI, Valérie TRACQUI, Emmanuelle VOLUTER, Gérard WIACEK, Jean-Christophe YGRIE, Coralie LERAM, Sandrine MEES, Jean ALBERGEL, M onique APRILE, Monique BACELLI, Ada BAZAN, Renée BISSERIER, Jacky BLANC, Nathalie BOUTIN, Bernard BUOMO, Dominique CARLIEZ, Philippe DESBROSSES, Antoinette GUILLEN, Chantal JACQUET, L Jean JOUZE, Paul LANNOYE, Véronique LENA, Sauveur LOMBARDO, Madeleine MADORE, Alain MORLIERE, Giovanni NOVELLO, André PICOT, Dominique GUILLET, Frank POTHE, Bernard POUYAUD, Fannie RENAULT, Françoise SIMPERE, Bruno VAN PETEGHEM, Annie VIALE-TOURRASSE, Maurice WELLHOFF, Monique COME, Caroline RAISON, Pascal RIO, Michel ROUTIER, Claude MILLET, Colette PECHEUR, Marvin CHARPENTIER, Anthony FOURNIER…

(Christian Gerin)
API Production (Kouka et Philippe Alfonsi)

"Small is Beautiful" is one of the Unesco Education Decade for Sustainable Development Reparquable Actions

American Embassy (Fiji)
French Embassy (Fiji)
Taiwan Embassy (Tuvalu)
TuCan (Tuvalu Climate Action Network)
RAC (French Climate Action Network)

Ferme Ste Marthe
Kokopelli Association

"Our Planet under water", BIG TOP events first supports :

Communauté de communes Vexin Seine
Clichy sous Bois Towncouncil
Meulan Towncouncil
St Denis Towncouncil
La Celle St Cloud Towncouncil
La Maison des Ensembles

Since May 2004: “Trouble in Paradise” was shown in many festivals, from California (2nd prize), to Vietnam, Canada, Greece, Brazil, Tahiti, Iran, Guadeloupe (1st prize). It was also shown in the UN Climate Change Conference in Montreal in December 2005.
A few examples: Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, Ithaca, NY, EarthDance International Environmental Film Festival, CA, Tory Island Maritime Film Festival, Ireland, Northeastern Anthropological Association Conference, Ithaca, NY, Voices of the Waters Festival, Bangalore, India. « Trouble in Paradise » was entered into : Charleston Documentary Film Festival, DOXA Doc. Film + Vid Festival, Vancouver, Astra Film Festival, Romania, Ocean Film Festival, Savannah, FICA, Fest. Of Environmental Film & Video, Brazil, Taos SolarScreen Festival, Cinema du Reel
Göttingen Int'l Film Festival, Mountainfilm in Telluride, EcoVision, Italy, Maui Film Festival, Durango Film Festival, Colorado, DC Independent Film Festival,
Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, United Nations Association Film Festival, California, San Diego Asian Film Festival, DOCNZ Festival, New Zealand, Dokufest, Kosovo, Silverdocs, Fribourg Int'l Film Festival, PINE Film Festival, Portland, Oregon, Pacifika: New York Hawaiian Film Festival, Yukon International Film Festival, Canada.. |
- March 13th, 2015: “Trouble in Paradise” screening and debate as part of a seminar about sustainable development at Science Po Paris
- February 14th and 15th, 2015: Coalition Climat 21 International seminar in Paris
- January 29th, 2015: “Our Life 21” workshops with the 4D NGO (filming)
- January 19th, 2015: Introduction of the Regional Council of Ile de France funding support to civil society's initiatives for COP21, by EELV
- January 15th, 2015: Coalition Climat 21 Plenary meeting
- January 13th, 2015 : “Our Life 21” workshops with the 4D NGO (filming)
- January 10th, 17th, 24th and 31rd, 2015 : “Manga, together for climate” workshops at Maison des Ensembles
- January 7th, 2015 : Charlie forever
- December 6th, 13th and 20th, 2014 : “Manga, together for climate” workshop at Maison des Ensembles
- December 5th, 2014 : “24 hours on earth” with Science Frontières and Terre.tv
- December 2nd and 16th ,2014 : “Our Life 21” workshops with the 4D NGO (filming)
- November 22nd, 2014 : International Solidarity Village by la Ligue de l'Enseignement, Paris
- November 22nd and 24th, 2014 : “Manga, together for climate” workshop at Maison des Ensembles
- November 21st, 2014 : the Manga’teens exhibit the “Manga, together for climate” project during a Maison des Ensembles special evening,
- November 15th, 2014 : Paris Manga with the Manga’teens
- November 13th, 2014 : Coalition Climat 21 Plenary meeting
- November 8th, 2014 : Alter Libris forum with the Manga’teens, Paris 12e
- From November 4th to 6th, 2014 : The Ligue de l’Enseignement National Meeting on Education for Sustainable Development and the Environment at Gouville s/Mer
- November 3rd, 2014 : Climate Action Network France’s strategic board of directors
- October 4th, 11th and 18th, 2014 : “Manga, together for climate” workshops at Maison des Ensembles
- October 2nd, 2014 : “Our life 21” introduction conference by 4D and partners
- September 21st, 2014 : People's climate march
- September 19th, 2014 : “Friday in solidarity” evening at the Maison de Ensembles, Paris 13e. Introduction of the “Manga, together for climate” project to the Manga’teens’ families.
- September 15th, 2014 : Coalition Climat 21 plenary meeting
- September 13th, 2014 : “Manga, together for climate” workshop at Maison des Ensembles
- August 23rd and 24th, 2014 : Coalition Climat 21 International seminar
- August 19th, 2014 : Pacific Voices conference for Karibaiti Taoaba’s book releasing, USP low campus, Suva-Fiji Islands
- June 21st, 2014 : Fête de la Musique at the Maison des Ensembles. Introduction of the “Manga, together for climate” project.
- June 19th, 2014 : Coalition Climat 21 plenary meeting
- June 14th, 2014 : Conference at the Salon des Solidarités with Coordination Sud and WWF
- May 17th 2014 : Alofa Tuvalu at the "Braderie de livres solidaire" organized by the International Solidarity Network of NGOs AT belongs to. (Blanqui Market, Paris 13e)
- April 11th, 2014 : 10 parisian primary school, ie 2000 kids run for Tuvalu.
- March 24th, 2014 : "Climate change, Voices of the witnesses", conference by the French Climate Action Network, Care and Oxfam at Sciences Po Paris.
- March 5th, 2014: Youth seminar about International Solidarity by the Ligue de l'Enseignement, Paris.
- January 30th and 31st, 2014 : Seminar by the French Climate Action Network, CRID and ATTAC about the civil society's mobilization in the perspective of COP21", Paris.
- Décember 2013 : "Trouble in Paradise" is shown during the Ecopass Film Festival at the Japan Pacific ICT Center in Suva (Fiji islands).
- November 28th, 2013 : "Climate change and nations' rights" by Natacha Bracq, a lawyer, in partnership with La Cimade. Migrant'scène Festival in Toulouse. http://www.lacimade.org/minisites/migrantscene
- November 22nd, 2013 : International Solidarity Week - Debate with the Makila Theater Company
- November 16th, 2013: Alterlibris - First Associative Book Forum in Paris - with the "Our planet under water" comic book and the "Tuvalu Marine Life" publication.
- September 16th and 17th, 2013: Sea for Society consultation forum on "Ocean and Energy" at Nausicaa-Boulogne sur Mer.
From July 7th, 2013 to August 13th, 2013, within the frame of his thesis Damien Vallot, a Phd student at Bordeaux Uni and a member of Alofa Tuvalu is traveling to Tuvalu:
- While transiting in Fiji: meetings with Sarah Hemstock, Alofa Tuvalu biomass scientist, Teu, biogas representative, Eliala Fihaki, Alpha Pacific Liaison agent and a member of Alofa Tuvalu...
- Handing of the Tuvalu Marine Life publication to Tuvalu Prime Minister Willy Telavi and to Apisai Ielemia, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Environment.
- Handing of the Tuvalu Marine Life reports' electronic copies Sam Finikaso, Head of Tuvalu Fisheries and Uluao Lauti, Funafuti Kaupule representative.
- Handing of the 2013 Ecolozik CD* to Alofa Tuvalu Patron, Nala Ielemia *(a song writing contest about Tuvalu, a partnership between The Education League and Alofa Tuvalu). 
- Handing of the UPF press cards to the Tuvalu media people.
- June 24 and 25th: Sea for Society consultation forum at Nausicaa-Boulogne sur Mer.
- From June 4th to 30th, 2013 : Photo exhibition about the Tuvalu Marine Life project at the tropical aquarium in Paris.
- June 6th and 8th, 2013: Kid awareness workshops about Tuvalu and Marine Life by the D'Ici et d'ailleurs association at the tropical aquarium in Paris.
- June 4th, 2013 : Alofa Tuvalu hands the Tuvalu Marine Life publication to Tine Leuelu, Ambassador of Tuvalu to Belgium, to IUCN, UNESCO and its partners, at the tropical aquarium in Paris. (Press Release)
- May 26th, 2013: Alofa Tuvalu booth at the Bergeyre hill back yard sale. (Paris)
- May 25th, 2013 : Alofa Tuvalu at the "Braderie de livres solidaire" organized by the International Solidarity Network of NGOs AT belongs to. (Blanqui Market, Paris 13e)
- March 29th, 2013: "Beasts of the Southern Wild" screening and debate with Alofa Tuvalu (Sées, 91)
- March 22th, 2013: recording of Ecolozik at la "Maison des Ensembles".
- From March 8th, 2013: "Greedy Lying Bastards", by Craig Scott Rosebraugh in the US and Canada
- March 1st, 2013: "Trouble in Paradise" screening and debate at STAR Prep Academy (California)
- January 29th, 2013: Jury for the Ecolo'zik song writing contest with la Ligue de l'Enseignement.
- From November 14th to December 15th, 2012: “Tales' trip - La route de contes” (La Celle St Cloud). Exhibition and workshop with children.
- November 29th, 2012 : Climate Change conference with IPCC member, Hervé Letreut (Paris)
- From November 17th to 25th, 2012: International Solidarity Week, wokshops and booths (Paris).
- November 14th, 2012 : Launching day of "Let's save Tuvalu", a project with la Ligue de l'Enseignement. 
- October 19th, 2012: "Trouble in Paradise" screening and debate at Ile d'Yeu (Vendée)
- October 4th, 2012: “Climate Refugees” Conference at the Museum (Toulouse)
- September 15th, 2012: Paris Association Forum
- June 20th, 2012: conference on "Rio+20" at Clichy La Garenne with la SERE
- June 6th, 2012: Sandrine Job, AlofaTuvalu’s expert on the Tuvalu Marine Life project, sets up a conference about Reefs’ health in New Caledonia with her NGO: Pala Dalik (the reef’s echoes).
- May 15th, 2012: « Environment on Tuesday » conference on “Rio +20” with screening of some of the video shot during the last missions. (Paris)
- May 13th, 2012: Alofa Tuvalu booth at the Bergeyre hill back yard sale. (Paris)
- May 12th, 2012: Alofa Tuvalu at the "Braderie de livres solidaire" organized by the International Solidarity Network of NGOs AT belongs to. (Blanqui Market, Paris 13e)
- April 10th-13th: Trip to Venise, one of the European sites severely threatened by sea level rise. We felt privileged to be invited by a friend, Michel Thoulouze. A biological wine maker, he worked with Claude Bourguignon, an earth scientist, whose expertise is unique in the world. It aims at ensuring the sustainability of farming activities, reducing their environmental impact while improving the plants quality. Together they revived the health of the San Erasmo island’s vineyard. We could not refuse the survey :-)
- April 3rd to 5th, 2012 : Biogas Expo forum to check the start of the biogas industry in France/Europe. Good news, France now has a few major biogas implementations. A little further, one booth displayed exactly what we were looking for our electric bikes/solar charging project in Funafuti.
- March 14th to 17th, 2012: "Trouble in Paradise” and “Our planet under Water”, at the Alternative World Water Forum (Marseille).
- From November 24th, 2011 to April 10th, 2012 - Mission in Tuvalu :
- April 4th, 2012 : Workshop about "seafarers and climate change" by Kaio with seafarers and trainees (Funafuti – Tuvalu, on board Nivaga) about environmental practices on vessels
- From January 13th to March 24th, 2012 : Mission biogas in Nanumea Objectives : insuring that the four digesters implemented late 2010 are working to satisfaction, setting up one water tank at each owners' place, build individual piggeries, setting up the basis for garden, training owners and workers as well as raising awareness among the Island inhabitants by setting up a workshop on the technology…
- From January 10th to 19th, 2012 : Photo exhibition at the Vaiaku Lagi Hotel
- January 5th, 2012: Delivery of the Hunamar association's donation to the Nauti and SDA primary schools.
- December 30th, 2011: Recording of the Government feast in hommage to Isaia Taeia, Minister for Environment, deceased in July in the discharge of his duties.

- December 18th to 19th, 2011: Alofa Tuvalu « 2010 King Tides Festival » video public screening
- December 17th, 2011 : Recording of the Fagogo Malipolipo Christmas Party
- December 16th, 2011 : Recording of TMTI passing out at Amatuku
- December 14th, 2011 : Recording of Fagogo Malipolipo singing at the hospital
- December 13th, 2011: Recording of Fagogo Malipolipo singing for prisoners

- December 12th, 2011: Alofa Tuvalu "IRWM Water Quizz" video screening
- December 9th, 2011: Alofa Tuvalu' "Baby clinic construction by the Fagogo" video is projected to the Fagogo Malipolipo club Members
- December 8th, 2011: Recording of the Nanumea Women Meeting and donation to the community.
- November 4th to 5th, 2011 : "Tuvalu Earth hour 2009" video at the "frontières du court 2011" film competition part of the 27th "Science Frontières" Festival (Marseille).
- October 28th, 2011 : ""Trouble in Paradise" screening and debate with Christopher Horner for a science network schools headed by Lisa Niver Rajna. (Los Angeles - California).
- October 19, 2011 : "Biodiversity and people of the world" ("Biodiversité et Peuples du monde"), by the Plant & Planet Association.
- October 4th, 2011 : Gilliane is a keyspeaker at the "Climate Migrants" seminar in Brussels 
- September 10th, 2011 : Paris Association Forum (Paris)
- June 19th, 2011 : Gilliane and Fanny are Alofa Tuvalu booth keepers in the context of the hill back yard sale. (Paris)
- May 28th, 2011 : “Students for sustainable development” 4th National meeting at the International “Cité Universitaire” (Paris 14e) 
- May 21st, 2011 : Marie-Jeanne and Valerie are Alofa Tuvalu booth keepers at the "Braderie de livres solidaire" organized by the International Solidarity Network of NGOs AT belongs to. (Marché Blanqui, Paris 13e)
- From May 16th to 27th, 2011 : The new born Spanish version of “our planet under water” comic book at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York with the TuCan (Tuvalu Climate Action Network) representatives.
- May 4th, 2011: Exhibit about Tuvalu and AT’s small is beautiful plan by and with Sarah Hemstock. at Notts Trent Uni Environment & Sustainability Research Network Exhibition, DICE Centre Conference Suite, City Campus
- April 8,2011 : Gilliane Le Gallic, Alofa Tuvalu President and Tuvalu goodwill ambassador for the environment is a key speaker at the Saint Quentin University’s conference, “bye bye culture” about CC and culture loss at the Palais de la Decouverte, (Paris, 8e).
- From April 1st to 7th, 2011 : For the national week for sustainable development in Ste Luce , "Our planet under water " comic book is used as a tool for the kids awareness workshops (Martinique)
- April, 1st, 2011 : Workshop on CC at the International “Cité Universitaire”’s House of Portugal with “Our planet under Water” portugese version (Paris, 14e).
- March 26th, 2011 : Conference focusing on climate migrations with a screening of the France 5 documentary "Paradis en sursis" promoting Alofa Tuvalu activities in Tuvalu, at the National “Cité for Immigration” (Porte Doree Palace in Paris 12e).
- March 26th, 2011 : "Trouble in Paradise" part of the Cinéma Ecologie Festival 3rd edition, at the Lycée Michelet theater in Vanves, (92).
- March, 23rd, 2011 : "Trouble in Paradise" screening and lecture by Sarah Hemstock on what Alofa Tuvalu is doing in Tuvalu, for the Pacific Islands Society of the UK and Ireland at St Philips Church, Earls Court, London.
- March, 11th, 2011: "Trouble in Paradise" screening and lecture by Sarah Hemstock. on what Alofa Tuvalu is doing in Tuvalu, for students of Nottingham Trent University.
- December 21st 2010 – 7th January 2011 : "Biomass" exhibition by Sarah Hemstock at the Refectory Gallery, Nottingham City Artists, Hooton Street, Nottingham. UK.
- December 6th to 8th, 2010 : Sarah Hemstock was invited to speak at the International Conference on Renewable Energy & Climate Change in Fiji. Prefering to limit our gas emissions, Sikeli Raisuqe, Alofa Tuvalu Fjian biogas specialist, would make the presentation from a PowerPoint supplied by Sarah. He did, successfully…. (Suva, Fiji)
- December 7, 2010: “Environment on Tuesdays”, about Alofa Tuvalu 2010 activities in Tuvalu displaying pictures of the Nanumea biogas implémentation last September and exclusive footage of the « »big top évent » : Ka lofia Te Paneta held within the 1st ever Tuvalu King Tides Festival in 2010. (Paris 8e)
- December 2010 : Release of “Our planet under water” Spanish/Mexican version for COP16. 
- November 19th to 21st, 2010 : "Our planet under water” german and English versions at the “European and Pacific Responses to climate change in the Pacific” conference in Berlin (Germany), thanks to Alofa Tuvalu’s friend and faithful support from the UK, Clemmie James, invited to display some of her work about Tuvalu and her generous project “Climatefriend ”
- November 13th, 2010 : “Trouble in Paradise ” within the "We are all Tuvalu" exhibition at Mansfield Museum (Uk)
- October 9th to November 20th, 2010 : "We are all Tuvalu" exhibition by Sarah at Mansfield Museum (Uk)
- On September 14th, 2010 : AT junior legal expert, Florent, landed in Funafuti. He was there to share information & raise awareness about international issues and help where it was needed (environment department, Tuvaluan lawyers, students, communities, etc.). The mission planned to last 1 year was prematurely terminated on November 25th, 2010.
- August 24th to September 28th, 2010 : Sarah and Sikeli made the trip to Nanumea to assist families and communitiesto implement and operate their individual biogas digesters, built in Fiji, from sketches we supplied and a prototype created by Sikeli. 4 were implemented. For the first reproduction of the Amatuku digester, we decided to use plastic rather than bricks. A pionnering implementation in the Pacific.
- From August 2nd to 6th, 2010 : Melton, Alofa General Secretary presents Climate Change in Tuvalu at the XXII congress of communes taking place in Punaauia (Tahiti)
- From June 5th to 11th, 2010 : Fanny and Maud are Tuvalu booth keepers at the Bonn Climate Talks and promote the country’s efforts to reach “the fossil fuel independency by 2020” target.

- May 26th, 2010 : kid awareness workshops on biodiversity and fair trade at the XIIIth arrondissement townhall, Paris.
- May 22nd, 2010 : “Trouble in Paradise” screening and debate at the South Pacific Countries’ Film Festival and round table about environmental issues in the Pacific, in Rochefort.
- May 17th’s week : Alofa Tuvalu traditionnal pictures exhibition at Vaiaku Lagi hotel with about a thousand pictures this year.
- Mai 5th, 2010 : Fanny participates at a conference about migrations within the 2010 International Ocean Conference at Unesco in Paris.
- April 27th to mai 30th, 2010 - Tuvalu Marine Life project, 2nd phase : remaining investigations on Funafuti (the capital atoll, at the center of the archipelago), Nanumea (to the north) and Nukulaelae (to the south) carried by Sandrine Job, Daniela Ceccarelli, Semese Alefaio, Tupulaga Poulasi in partnership with Tuvalu fisheries, the environment office, local governments, the NBSAP program (National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan).
- April 26th to 28th, 2010 : Tuvalu National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan workshop in Funafuti with a presentation of the Tuvalu Marine Life by Tupulaga, Semese, Sandrine and Gilliane and onsite mission. 
- April 19th, 2010 Restitution by Sarah of her todi ethanol study and replanting recommandations to the DCC (meeting of permanent secretaries.
- April, 13th, 2010 : Conference about Climate Refugees with Argos at the Anako boat, Paris
- From April 7th to 10th, 2010 : “Our planet under water”, big top event in Paris at the XIIIth arrondissement townhall
- April 2nd, 2010 : “Trouble in Paradise” screening and debate with Kent at the Bijou Cinema in Paris surroundings (93)
- From March 8th to 28th: Sarah and Kaio visit Nanumea to set up the basis of the biogas reproduction requested by the island community and following past biogas trainings and implementations in Amatuku.
- from Feb 26th to March : 1st edition of Tuvalu “Cultural King Tides festival” – Tuvalu E! The Tide is High! – during the highest tides of the year, when most of the capital island is submerged by sea water coming through the ground.
- February 5th, 2010 : "Trouble in Paradise” screening and debate at the Simon Lefranc animation centre in Paris.
- January 23rd, 2010 : Debate about Climate Refugees at Combs la Ville Youth House (77)
- From december the 7th to the 18th, 2009 : Alofa Tuvalu with the Tuvalu delegation at COP15 / Tuvalu exhibit at the Bella Center for both weeks / « Our planet under water » the comic book released in danish! |
« Our planet under water big top event » at the French Lycee Prins Henrik with as special guest Nala Ielemia, Tuvalu First Lady and Alofa Tuvalu’s Patron. |
- December 5th, 2009 : « Trouble in Paradise » and « Our planet under water » the comic book in Krakov. An event by the Australia, New Zealand and Oceania Association (Poland)
- November 29th, 2009 : Alofa Tuvalu exhibit for « Europecocologie » conference and debate about Copenhagen. (Paris)
- November 17th, 2009 : Technology Transfer workshop with the Climate Action Network & Coordination Sud (Paris).
- November 14th, 2009 : the International Solidarity Week – booth and Trouble in Paradise screening (Paris)
- October 21st, 2009 : « Small is Beautiful » is mentionned in the Tuvaluan Minister for Education’s statement at the 35th session of the Unesco General Conference (Paris).
- October 11th, 2009 : Cheese Festival in Meulan with the Tuvalu delegation (Ministry of Education and Culture Department)
- October 9th, 2009 : For the Bolivia Inti 10th anniversary, debate on climate refugees with Argos Collective (La Chapelle sur Erde).
- September 26th, 2009 : "Bulle d'Air" Festival with Energies solidaires (Triel s/Seine)
- September the 25th and the 26th septembre 2009 : « Our planet under water » at the « Sustainable Islands – Towards a Low Carbon Economy » conference. An event by CIFAL Findhorn (Scotland).
- September 24th, 2009 : "250 millions of climate refugees": "Planète mode d'emploi" congress (Porte de Versailles, Paris)
- September 19th, 2009 : Paris Association Forum (booth)
- September the 8th, 2009 : Trouble in Paradise and debates with Christopher Horner, codirector and Alofa Tuvalu coordinator in the US at the « Climate Change is Coming to Town » Festival, Toronto (Canada).
- From july 27th to 29th, 2009 : Unesco Seminar about Education and Climate Change within the UN Decade for ESD (Education in Sustainable Development, Paris, France)
- June 13rd, 2009 : International Ocean Day at the Paris Oceanographic Institut
- June 2nd, 2009 : « Environment on Tuesday » at the Regional Council of Ile de France - April 2nd et 3rd, 2009 : Workshop with kids at the Porte Dorée Aquarium (Paris)
- May 14th to 16th 2009 : « Our planet under water, big top event », Nanterre, France
- April 22nd to 23rd 2009 : « Our planet under water, big top event », Tahiti, French Polynesia
Planned for Earthday in association with Te Mana o Te Moana.
- March 31st to april 2nd 2009 : the World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development organisers - UNESCO and the German Ministry of Education and Research, in cooperation with the German Commission for UNESCO - have selected Small is beautiful to be exhibited at the
conference, taking place in Bonn, Germany.
- December 20th 2008 : Public debate about and with migrants after “ an Unconvenient Truth, Paris, France.
- November 29th 2008 : conference about Climate Refugees within the Climate urgency & social justice campaign with the Argos Collective, Paris, France.
- November 15th to 23rd 2008 : International Solidarity Week, wokshops and booths, Paris, France.
- November 21st to 23rd 2008 : “Our planet under water” flemich version at the Forum for Sustainable Development organized by Planet Attitude, Brussels, Belgium.
- November 19th to 22nd 2008 : “Our planet under water, big top event at the “Science and us” Forum with the ADEME and Regional Council of Ile de France’s support, Fontenay sous Bois, France.
- November 4th to 9th 2008 : Official release of the “Our planet under water” flemish (add lien) translation at the 5th International Météo Forum with Petits débrouillards and ADEME, Brussels, Belgium.
- October 11st 2008 : after the screening of Trouble and Paradise, the Arizona Verde Valley School rewarded Christopher Horner for Humanitarian And Artistic Achievement for the documentary and for Alofa Tuvalu's investment into helping tuvalu.
- October 9th 2008 : Ashoka conference" Leading Social Entrepreneurs" Forum, Paris, France.
- September 19th 2008 : Association’s Forum, Paris, France.
- September 14th to 28th 2008 : "We are all Tuvalu", Sarah Hemstock & friends's art exhibition at the Harrington Mill Studio, Nottingham,Uk.
- September 9th 2008 : Biofuels with Gilles Vaitilingom at the “Environment Tuesday” conference, Paris, France.
- September 8th to 12nd 2008 : Biogas in Amatuku at the biannual Pacific Water Conference, Samoa presented by Leonie Crennan.
- From April to June 2008 : Mission in Tuvalu (www.alofatuvalu.tv/blog)
- November, 19th to november, 22nd, 2008 : "Our planet under water" big top event with the ASTS at the Forum "Science and us" (Fontenay sous Bois, France)
- October, 29th to november, 2nd, 2008: Wind Festival in Calvi (Corsica)
August, 23rd, 2008: "Trouble in Paradise" at the Insular Film Festival in Groix Island (Brittany, France)
- June, 11th, 2008: Seminar on climatic migrations at the European Parliament.
May, 24th, 2008: University Campus Festival 2008 in Paris.
May ,21th, 2008 : at the movie theatre "l'étoile" in La Courneuve (France): screening of the BBC documentary "one day on earth", followed by a public debate with teenagers aged 12 to 17.
April to end of june, 2008: New mission in Tuvalu, to be followed in real-time (or almost) on our blog
- April, 26th and 27th, 2008: « Earth Day » in Revest-les-Roches (Alpes maritimes, France), Children workshop
- April, 10th, 2008: Science Bar at the "Carnet de Route" in Alençon (France)
- April, 3rd, 2008: 4th meeting of the pupils' delegates of the "Ligue de l’Enseignement" (school union). Booth and workshops.
- March 2008 : « Paradis en sursis » at the Human Rights Film Festival, (Geneva) 
- March, 16th, 2008: Alofa Tuvalu at the Circus Tent Forum in Ar Vuez (Brittany, France).
- March 14th to 18th 2008: "Our planet under water / A l'eau, la Terre" at the Paris book show.
- February, 23rd to April, 16th, 2008: "Our planet under water" at the exhibition "climate under influence, life in the time of climate change", at the Château des Bouillants, Dammarie-les-lys (France).
February, 14th and 15th, 2008: "Trouble in Paradise" at the La Teste Festival (Arcachon, France) with Kent.
- December 07 : International Climate Day, Paris
- December 07 : COP13 in Bali, exhibition on biogas
- December 07 : « Environment on Tuesday » in Paris (conference, « Our planet under water, big top event », debate)
- November 2007 : « Trouble in Paradise » at the 5th Documentary Evening, Tjibaou Cultural Center, New Caledonia.
- November 27th 07 : Conference on climate refugees, Lille
- November 22th 07 : debate on international water issues, Eragny sur Oise
- fr November 7 to 9th 07 : European Days for Environment in Lisbonne (Comic book)
- 20 October 07 : Association’s Forum in Paris (booth)
- 19 October 07 : Grenelle de l’environnement, Paris (debate)
- fr October 11 to 13th 07 : Women’s forum 2007 in Deauville (debate)
- October 13th 07 : Changeons d'air Festival in Verneuil sur Seine (booth)
- October 2nd 07 : « Environment on Tuesday » in Paris (conference, Amatuku training Centre, debate)
- fr August 29th to 31th 07 : MEDEF’s Summer University in Jouy en Josas (debate)
- fr August 24th to 25th 07 : French Green Party Summer University in Quimper (debate)
- fr july 6th to 9th « Trouble in Paradise » at the Ireland The Tory Island Maritime Film Festival : www.toryfilmfestival.com/progworld07.htm
- fr. june 7th to 11th 07 : Trouble in Paradise, International Film Festival on Water, Bangalore Film Society, Karnataka, Inde.
- fr. mai 21th to 27th 07 : « Our Planet under Water, Big top event » in St Denis (work in progress)
- fr. apr. 13th to 15th 07 : The Sea Forum, Sanary
- apr. 5th 07 : Viry Chatillon (projection/debate)
- feb. 16th 07 : Conference for the Kyoto Anniversary on behalf of the Belgium green party (Liège)
- feb. 11th 07 : The 19th discrict of associations forum (PARIS)
- feb. 6th 07 : « Environment on Tuesday » in Paris (conference, debate) (PARIS)
- jan. 13th 07 : projection/debate for the Butte Bergeyre association (PARIS)
- jan. 11th 07 : International solidarity conference at Bures sur Yvette university
- nov. 21th 06 : Operation Green Campus with Greenpeace /Solar generation, Cergy Pontoise University.
- nov. 4th 06 : International climate day
- from Oct 28th to Nov 1st 06 : Wind festival in Calvi, Corsica.
june 16, 17- 06 : Institut Océanographique Paul Ricard, 40th anniversary in Les Embiez
- june 15th 06 : UNESCO :Media and Sustainable development Education
- June 3rd 06 : Festival « Changeons d’air » Conflans St Honorine
- June 1st & 2nd 06 : Recyclades 2006, Montrouge (94)
- May 15th/21st 06 : Chapiteau « A l’Eau la Terre » à Meulan (78)
- April 4th/6th 06 : Festival du Hailan (Gironde)
- March 06: Environment week in Rennes (projection/debate)
- March 06: Primevère Exhibition (stall, kids’ workshop, conference, screening and exhibition)
- February 06: Science Frontières Festival in Marseille (Kent presenting the comic book)
- December 05 : POLLUTEC exhibition
- November 05 : « Our Planet under water », at the Environmental Book Festival in Paris
- November 05 : « Environment on Tuesday » in Paris (conference, debate)
- October/ November 05: « Wind Festival» in Calvi (stall, conference, kids’ workshop)
- October 05: « Planète Sciences » in Chamarande (screening and discussion)
- October 05: Chapiteau Operation “A l’eau, la Terre” n°0 in Clichy-sous-Bois
- July/August/September 05 : 1st study on renewable energy in Tuvalu and awareness campaign
- July 05: “Changeons d’air” Festival in Triel-sur-Seine
- April and June 05: Advertisement “Search Archipelago” in the newspapers Liberation and Le Monde
- April 22nd 05: a town crieur for Tuvalu in Lyon
- February 05: Science Frontières Festival in Marseille (screening, conference and workshop)
- June 18th 2004, projection at the Ministry of Ecology and sustainbable development (Paris)
- November 2004 : projection at the International film Festival of Ecology

Greedy Lying Bastards, by Craig Scott Rosebraugh, being shown in theaters in the US, UK and Canada from March 8th, 2013. It includes an interview with Gilliane Le Gallic and Kind Tides footage.
Thalassa : watch the film in streaming (in french only)
Au Fil des Miles: January 2012
Mtarerre.fr : Extracts of “Sale temps pour la planète” tv show, including Alofa Tuvalu feb 2006 King Tides footage used without copyright or references.
TV Globo new airing on many websites, and including, from feb 2011 :
TV Globo : report shot in Tuvalu in the spring of 2010
« Paradis en sursis » multiairing : june 5th and 18th, 2010 on TV5 World, september 18th, october 4th and 10th on Encyclopedia. In 2011 : february 8th, 20th and 25th on France 4 ; february 16th on TV5 World Europ, february 20th and 27th on TV5World Asia etc.
France 2 "13h15 on saturday": 26’ documentary by Jenny Briffa and her team during the 1st edition of Tuvalu “Cultural King Tides festival” – Tuvalu E! The Tide is High!
Korean TV : reportage about Tuvalu by KFEM including an interview of Gilliane Le Gallic and Alofa Tuvalu 2006 King Tides footage, 1st broadcast : january 2010
Paradis en sursis reairing on TV5World
France 5 : Panapasi Nelesone, Ambassador of Tuvalu to the Kingdom of Belgium and the EU in the "Sale Temps pour la Planète" show, november the 24th, 2009
France 5 "Paradis en sursis", broadcasted agai in july and ausgust 2009
France O "Paradis en sursis" : april 2009
TSR (Switzerland) "Tuvalu, les nouveaux réfugiés" : march 2009
TNTV : february 13rd, 20th, 21st and april 22nd 2009
Public Senat : march 08
Arte : October 07
TV Spiegel: September 07
France 5 “Paradis en sursis” : August 07, broadcasted again on TV5 September 07, BBC November 07
Dutch TV: July 07
France 3: Thalassa, “Ca va chauffer” from May 25 07, global warming special programs, broadcasted again on Planète Thalassa and TV5
France 24 : broadcast for 18 months since may 1st 07
Direct 8 « Touche pas ma planète » : jan. 28th 07
Yvelines Première : may 06
France 2, le 13h : april 06
France 3 Gironde : april 06
TV7 : april 06
Direct 8: April, August, September, November 05 and January 06
TF1 news: February 05
PLANETE (2004/2005)
F2 news: September 04
I télé: April 04

Le Monde : October 2014
"Neues Comic-Buch von Alofa Tuvalu zu erneuerbaren Energien"
: June 2014
Coordination Sud : June 2014
Neo Planet : June 2014
Le Petit Vandômois : June 2014
Up Magazine : May 2014
L'encyclopédie du Développement Durable : November 2013
Des Idées en Mouvement : November 2013
Paperblog : November 2013
Espaces Naturels : October 2013
Le liseron : October 2013
Le Courrier de la Nature : July-Agust 2013
Le Soir: july 2013
PACNEWS - Tuvalu releases the first inventory of its vital resource: Marine Life: june 2013
IUCN - Tuvalu releases the first inventory of its most vital resource: Marine life: june 2013
Radio Tuvalu: june 2013
Terre.tv: june 2013
Metronews: june 2013
Planet.fr: june 2013
World Ocean Network: june 2013
Mer et Littoral: june 2013
Aquativ Reborn Design: june 2013
Aquariophile: june 2013
Sortir à Paris: june 2013
Zoonaute.net: june 2013
Te Mana o Te Moana sur facebook : june 2013
Tahiti Infos: june 2013
Science et Avenir, also released on Nouvel Observateur, lesnouveautes.fr, scoop.it, alvinet.com...: june 2013
Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes: june 2013
AFP - French Press Agency: june 2013
Mediaterre.org: may 2013
"Sea level rise", French Climate Action Network: march 2013
"Iles Pionnières", Philippe VALLETTE, Christine CAUSSE, Actes Sud: September 2012
L'Avisé: September 2012
Effet de Serre: June 2012
La Vie : May 2012
Tales from Nanumea: April 2012
The Odyssey Expedition : February 2012
Une Association par jour : December 25th, 2011
Mon Quotidien : December 2011
Asia Sentinel News : December 2011
"La revue de Kokopelli : November 2011
« Island History », Nausicaa exhibition : April 2011
http://www.adequations.org : March 2011
Hunamar : March 2011
Yangki Imade Suara (Blog, India): February 2011
TerraEco : January 2011
« Our planet Under water », the comic book, and extract of the « Trouble in Paradise » documentary in the Hachette electronic school manuals released in 2010
http://jne-asso.org : December 2010
Tahiti presse - XXIIe Congress of Communes : August 2010
USP University of South Pacific) / United States funds Green Projects : June 2010
ZeGreenWeb : June 2010
Dulysse : « Almost Home, le documentary »
Take Part « Climate change and rising waters threaten tiny Tuvalu » : May 2010
Ò Anzora « Tuvalu Marine Life » : May 2010
French Embassy : May 2010
Fiji Times Online : May 2010
PEIN Marine Digest « Alofa Tuvalu plunges into the water ! » : May 2010
Tuvalu Islands News : May 2010
Evous : « Semaine du développement durable : un sacré programme dans le 13e ! » : Avril 2010
http://www.association-internationale-jeunesse.com/francais/nouvelles.php : May 2010
ecologiK : April/May 2010
Journal do Brasil : April 2010
TVTelinha : April 2010
Semaine du développement durable à la Mairie du 13e : March/April 2010
CLER - Comité de Liaison Energies Renouvelables : March 2010
green.pina.com.fj – « Lets protect our earth » : March 2010
Libération Blog : February 2010
odowa.fr : February 2010
Greenpeace.org : February 2010
Forum Plante-Sante : January 2010
PC 30 Academy : January 2010
Bio cosm.com
Islands Business, Politics
L’Express/fr : December 2009 et January 2010
Forum Plante-Sante : January 2010
PC 30 Academy : January 2010
Podcast - Gilliane Le Gallic at the Bella Center – COP15 : December 2009
Eco Action : December 2009
Rechauffement climatique : December 2009
Climate Change tv : December 2009
Allvoice.com (from Los Angeles Times) : December 2009
France Culture (online) : december 2009
Latimes Blog "Greenspace:Copenhagen's lukewarm deal": December 2009
Latimes Blog (from Los Angeles Times) : December 2009
Los Angeles Times : December 2009
Paris Match « La survie des Tuvalu se joue à Copenhague » : December 2009
Copenhagen. The KlimaForum : December 2009
Todays Zaman (online) “Season’s greetings from children to world leaders in Copenhagen”: December 2009
http://yangkiimade.blogspot.com : December 2009 (Indonesia)
Word Press : December 2009
Climate change(s) people’s stories, let’s act ! ADEME : 2009
Climate Change Media Partnership : December 2009
Nouvel Obs (online) : December 2009
123people : December 2009
Selle à vie : December 2009
http://videos.lugarlatino.com : December 2009
Climate Change tv : December 2009
Allvoice.com (from Los Angeles Times) : December 2009
Climate Change Media Partnership : December 2009
Nouvel Obs (online) : December 2009
Copenhagen. The KlimaForum : December 2009
123people (online) : December 2009
BNE-Journal (Unesco Germany) Special : December 2009
Unesco COP15 special issue on ESD : December 2009
France Culture (online) : December 2009
Latimes Blog « Greenspace:Copenhagen's lukewarm deal”: December 2009
Latimes Blog (reprise article Los Angeles Times): December 2009
Los Angeles Times : December 2009
Paris Match « La survie des Tuvalu se joue à Copenhague » : December 2009
Todays Zaman (online) “Season’s greetings from children to world leaders in Copenhagen”: December 2009
L’Express/fr : « Tuvalu: victime du réchauffement climatique »: December 2009 and january 2010
Word Presse : December 2009
Climate change(s) people’s stories, let’s act !, ADEME : 2009
Energies renouvelables (France) : december 2009
http://www.youphil.com (France) : november 2009
Orange.fr (France): november 2009
http://www.facetheclimate.org/site/tuvalu/eksperterne.shtml (Denmark): october 2009
Actu.Orange.fr : november 2009
http://www.boxe-anglaise.eu/114-delegation-de-tuvalu-visite-meulan.htm : October 2009
http://www.plante-sante.net : October 2009
http://www.climatechangeiscomingtotown.net (Canada): september 2009
Plante Santé : October 2009
www.rabble.ca (Canada): september 2009
http://ileslointaines.blogs.courrierinternational.com : September 2009
Urban planer (Canada) : september 2009
Taiwanngo.tv (Taiwan): august 2009
www.sprep.org : august 2009
www.developpementdurablelejournal.com : august 2009
www.bio-stream.fr : august 2009
www.gekgasifier.com : july 2009
Forum Retraite Active (online) : July 2009
Forum Retraite Active (online) : July 2009
Total Foundation (Terra Viva Grants) : July 2009 www.sudouest.com : june 2009
http://www.parisiensduboutdumonde.fr : june 2009
Paris Oceanographic Institut, Ocean’s day : June 2009
www.temanaotemoana.org : may 2009
Pacific Islands Report : may 2009
Pazific aktuell n°78 : may 2009
www.terre-sauvage.com : april 2009
http://defensecmd.com Taiwanese issue : May 2009
http://defensecmd.com (Taiwan) : May 2009
http://edwige.over-blog.com/20-index.html : Mai 2009
Ciel & Espace Blog : April 2009
Tahiti Pacific n°216 : april 2009
www.tahiti-tourisme.pf : april 2009
Blog d’Edwige Guillon : april 2009
Site des Citoyens du Monde : april 2009
Eventpolynesia.com : april 2009
Tahiti Presse : april 20th, 22th and 27th, 2009
Les Nouvelles de Tahiti : april 2009
Netfenua.pf : april 2009
La dépêche de Tahiti : april 22nd and 23rd, 2009
www.2dattitude.org : april 20st and 22nd, 2009
Portail UNICE, « Qui peut sauver Tuvalu ? La noyade de l’archipel » March 2009
Ve’a ora : march 2009
Rsr.ch : mars 2009 (Switzerland)
Eventpolynesia : march 2009
Radio Australia – 24 h dans le Pacifique : march 2009
Actuenvironnement : february 2009
Infos de Serre : februaruy 2009
Conseil économique et Social 2008 report
www.imaginetonfutur.com : november 2008
MooHVe : october 2008
Calypso Log : biofuels in Tuvalu : september 2008
Islands first : september 2008
Bella Ciao : september 2008
Six Feet on Earth (Laure Noualhat’s blog) : september 2008
MediaTerre : september 2008
www.goodplanet.info : august 2008
www.programme-tv.net : july 2008
www.infosdelaplanete.org : july 2008
Plante Santé : Tuvalu, une nation modèle en devenir : June 2008
Développement Durable: may 2008
L’Economie du Sport: may, 16th, 2008
La Marseillaise: may, 12th, 2008
La Classe: may 2008
Convergence: april 2008
Ouest France: april, 10th, 2008
L’Orne Hebdo: april, 8th, 2008
www.mediaterre.org : march, 27th, 2008
Dechetcom : march, 25th, 2008
www.infosud.org : march 2008
http://vivreauvillage.over-blog.com/ : march 2008
Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes : march, 21st, 2008
La Dépêche de Tahiti: march, 20th, 2008
L’Express: march, 13th, 2008
Nouvel Observateur TV-Cinema supplement: march, 8th, 2008
www.unmondedebulles.com: march, 6th, 2008
Sud Ouest Dimanche: february, 10th, 2008
www.rue89.com : february, 5th, 2008
Convergence: december 2007
Toogezer: december 2007
Mediaterre.org: December 07
www.agencebretagnepresse.com: december, 12th, 2007
www.eventpolynesia.com: december, 11th, 2007
Dordogne.lesverts.fr: december, 8th, 2007
ww.monde-solidaire.org: december, 8th, 2007
www.festival-livre-presse-ecologie.org: november 2007
www.notre-planete.info: november, 30th, 2007
mediaterre.org: november, 28th, 2007
http://www.humanvillage.com/publication/alofa-tuvalu :November 2007
verts42.ouvaton.org: november, 27th, 2007
www.toryfilmfestival.com: october 2007
Publico: october, 27th, 2007
Le Figaro Economie : october 07
Le nouvel observateur : october 07
www.photographie.com: october, 24th, 2007
TV Magazine France-Guyane: october, 20th, 2007
Planete-sacree.blogspirit.com: october, 18th, 2007
www.groupe.caisse-epargne.com (Women Actors for Leading Change): october, 1st, 2007
www.mofa.gov.tw: august 2007
www.mediaterre.org: august, 27th, 2007
Famille Chrétienne: august, 18th, 2007
Télérama: 15 august, 15th, 2007
Nouvel Observateur TV-Cinema supplement: august, 16th, 2007
Télé Cable Satellite Hebdo: august, 13th, 2007
PEIN Digest : july 2007
visiondepoque.wordpress.com: may, 26th, 2007
The Global Intelligencer: august 07
Architectures à vivre : july/august 07
The Independant: july 07
Fiji Sun: july 07
Tuvalu Islands: july 07
www.ispnews.net: july 07
Novethic: june 07
Altermondes : june 07
Science et Avenir : june 07
Tv Magazine Guyane : may/june 07
Ideo Mag : june 07
Sept autour du Monde : may/june 07
Télérama (Thalassa) : may 07
Direct Soir (Thalassa) : may 07
L’Aisne nouvelle (Thalassa) : may 07
Pays d’Auge : may 07
Vendée matin : may 07
Le Parisien (Thalassa) : may 07
Le Journal des Enfants Spécial + 22 regional papers : may 07
Le Journal de St-Denis : may 07
Le Nouveau Consommateur : april/may 07
Énergie Plus : may 07
Tuvalu Map Server : may 07
L’Express : apr. 07
Sciences Frontières : apr. 07
www.developpementdurablelejournal.com : avril 07
Le Républicain : apr. 07
www.lunionpresse.fr : mar. 07
Ekwo, Hors série n°1 : feb. 07
Thalassa Magazine : may/june 06
www.novethic.org : june 06
SPBE ( South Pacific Board for Educational Assessment)
South Pacific Form Seven Certificate : June 2006
Biopact : June 2006
Journal des Enfants, Courrier de Mantes, Le Parisien, Ekwo : may 06
Sud Ouest : april 06
Ekwo : march 06
Terres Sauvages: February 06
Ekwo: January 06
New Zealand Herald
Peace News
Grands Reportages
Le Monde,
Science et avenir
Science Frontières, Journal des Enfants, Le Parisien, Le Quotidien du Médecin, Musique Info Hebdo, Ca se passe comme ça, Vendée Matin, Le Courrier de l’Ouest, l’Alsace, Le Maine Libre, La Montagne, Clichy sous Bois... : October 05
Le Canard enchainé : august 05
South Pacific Organizer, Pacific Islands Links
Global Development Network : promoting development research
Global Islands Network, disappearing Islands
Atlas Challenge
Free Ebooks
FREE Download Books
Aube Media Library
AQPERE (Canadian NGO for the promotion of Education in Environment)
Ocean and coast network GRAINE
AREHN educational kits
And many many other mentions on the internet

RadioEthic: june 2013
Radio Tuvalu: june 2013
Radio Australia - Pacific mornings program : march 2013
RadioEthic: may 2012
RFI : Gilliane Le Gallic invited by Anne-Cécile Bras at the "C'est pas du vent" program: may 13th, 2012
Radio 1 (French Polynesia) : march 2012
Radio Tuvalu : Numerous news and programs about our onsite activities as well as interviews of Alofa Tuvalu specialists and coordinators from november 24th, 2011 to march 24th, 2012
France Inter : « Comme on nous parle » a show by Pascal Clark with Alain Maneval : november 29th, 2010
Radio Libertaire – « La Grenouille Noire » : october the 23rd, 2009
France Inter : Gilliane Le Gallic invited by Alain Maneval at the "Bon esprit" program : august 2009
Radio Tuvalu : Numerous news and programs about our onsite activities as well as interviews of Alofa Tuvalu specialists and coordinators from march to june 2009
Radio 1 (Tahiti) : april 22nd and 23rd 2009
Radio Tefana (Tahiti) : april 22nd 2009
RFO : april 21st and 22nd 2009
« Planète » : canadian radio program on www.chyz.ca : december 2008 (in french only)
« Radio of the sea » : october 2008 (in french only)
France Inter « In extremis » : juillet 08
Radio France « The climatic refugees » : January, 23rd, 2008
France Inter « GLOBAL Eco » : October, 25th 2007 (RealPlayer,in french only)
France Inter « Allo la planète » : december 07
France Inter « Global Eco » : october 07
RTBF : september. 07
Radio Flandre : august. 07
France Inter « Allo la planète » : june 07
France Info : november 06
France Inter : november 06
RTL : november 06
RFI « Le monde change » : october 06
France Inter : "Allo la planète", july 06
Radio Cité : may 06
Bulles en stock : february 06
Radio Méditerranée International : february 06
RFI : « Le monde change », January 06
France Culture : « Le Vif du sujet : November 05
France Info: October/November 05
France Inter : Isabelle Autissier : October 05
RF0 : October 05
France Culture : April 05
RFI : « Micromegas » : May 04 and february 05