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SPUR Scholarship student Scott Evans presents his preliminary research findings at the SPUR Research Conference at Nottingham Trent University - his work was made possible by Alofa Tuvalu, and thanks to everyone in Tuvalu who helped Scott with his research....

18 / 01 / 11 - 14 : 48

2010 was not that great. All we can hope is for 2011 to be more constructive.
We could not decide which visual to chose, so here are two of them.

Après un 2010 en demi-teinte, nous ne pouvons qu’espérer une année 2011 plus constructive.
Ne sachant quel visuel choisir, en voici deux.

02 / 01 / 11 - 14 : 00

On Tuesday 21st of December, after a vote of no confidence that passed in the first day of Parliament, the Government appointed on October 1st had to step out. On Friday 24th December, Willy Telavi, previously Minister of Home Affairs, was nominated Prime Minister and a new cabinet was lineup : Apisai Ielemia, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lotoala Metia, Minister of Finance, Isaia Italeli, Minister of Natural Resources, Taom Tanukale, Minister of Health, Dr Falesa Pitoi, Minister of Education, Kausea Natano, Minister of Transport, Communication and Public Utilities, and Kamuta Latasi, Speaker of the House. In other words the previous team is back after the shortest term ever in Tuvalu’s history.

Après le renversement mardi, par depot d’une motion de censure au Parlement, du Gouvernement mis en place le 1er octobre, Willy Telavi, ancien Ministre des Affaires Intérieures est nommé Premier Minister. Le nouveau gouvernement est composé de Apisai Ielemia, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères, Lotoala Metia, Ministre des Finances, Isaia Italeli, Ministre des Ressources Naturelles, Taom Tanukale, Ministre de la Santé, Dr Falesa Pitoi, Ministre de l’Education, Kausea Natano, Ministre des Transport, de la Communication et des Services Publics et Kamuta Latasi, Porte-Parole du Gouvernement. L'ancienne équipe est donc réintégrée dans ses fonctions, après ce qui constitue l’exercice le plus court de l’histoire de Tuvalu.

27 / 12 / 10 - 18 : 26

December 7, Gilliane Le Gallic, Alofa Tuvalu President, is a key speaker at the “Environment on Tuesdays” to debate around the theme : “In Cancun : climate change and current economic system are they compatible?”

Environment on Tuesdays” is a monthly public round table created 20 years ago by Marie-Pierre Cabello, president of the Environment Directors Society, and Patricia Ricard, President of the Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute. Alofa Tuvalu representatives are regularly invited to provide updates on the Small is Beautiful developments. Marie-Pierre Cabello who was once managing the Planete cable network had given the chance to Gilliane Le Gallic and Christopher Horner to produce “Trouble in Paradise”, the documentary through which Alofa Tuvalu & Tuvalu adventure started. That Tuesday evening, a couple of other Alofa Tuvalu videos were screened : the 2006 King Tides and the 2010 King Tides Festival freshly edited and some pictures of the 2010 missions.

The Mardis started as usual with Alain Zecchini, Journalist’ Press Overview. Amongst other things, we learned that:
- the ideal number of inhabitants to create an efficient sustainable development dynamic in a town is 20 000.
- The ozone layer could find its balance back by 2050/2060
- there are 4 to 5 times more domestic tigers in the world than wild ones.
- Palau declared its waters a shark, whale and dolphin sanctuary

Gigi opened the floor by reminding that nothing can come fast enough from the international arena and from individuals. She also stated that economics would have to change drastically to take into account the Climate Change parameters AND the social and financial crisis the world is going thru. Alofa Tuvalu’s answer is into the ‘Small is Beautiful’ plan concrete and reproducible actions:

- The Tuvalu Marine Life project aims at compiling an exhaustive documentation of Tuvalu’s marine biodiversity and support the Tuvaluan government in the establishment and management of marine Conservation Areas. The collection of data on marine resources through a participatory approach serves a broader goal of strengthening local capacity in terms of using methods of assessment, identification of target species and understanding the usefulness of resource management. Gilliane presented some of the spring field survey results gathered by Sandrine Job and Daniela Ceccarelli along with a sample of beautiful underwater pictures made by Thomas Vignaud.

- Biogas digesters implementation in Tuvalu outerisland, Nanumea
Following biogas training and implementation carried out by Alofa Tuvalu in Amatuku since 2007, the Nanumea Kaupule requested this technology that turns organic waste into gas for cooking and high quality compost for gardening. For this first reproduction in Tuvalu, we decided to use plastic rather than bricks. From sketches we supplied Sikeli, AT’s biogas specialist, built a plastic digester prototype, the first of the kind in Fiji and used it at home. In August, Sikeli and Sarah made the trip to Nanumea to assist families and communities in implementing and operating 4 units.

- The Tuvalu Cultural King Tides Festival :
Tuvalu’s 1st edition of its “Cultural King Tides festival” – Tuvalu E! The Tide is High! – took place during the king tide period, supposedly* the highest tides of the year, from Feb 26th to March 1st, 2010. During 3 days, traditional competitions and demonstrations had shown some aspects of Tuvaluan Culture through sports, handicrafts, dancing, singing, food and Tuvalu’s unique talent in improvised story-telling and dramas. The objective was to raise awareness about what will be lost if Tuvalu’s nation was to disappear both to the new generations and to the world at large. Parallel activities on climate causes, consequences and solutions have been targeting both children and adults, focusing on what we all can do to try to turn the tide.

Gilliane showed the audience an exclusive editing of Alofa Tuvalu kid awareness event “Ka Lofia Te Paneta” displayed during the first Tuvalu King Tides Festival. 19 key people and AT members keeping one thematic booth each and explaining all facets of climate change, from causes to available solutions to a hundred+ of kids. Picture exhibitions, screenings, crispies in between and distribution of
Ka Lofia Te Paneta, the comic book. This children day ended up with a huge sea water fight! Much more water was announced with the news of a tsunami alert just as the screening of the film Home finished. Fortunately the tsunami did not hit but *ironically, its effect created the lowest king tides ever ! Unexpectedly too, the same day South West of France was severely impacted by a big wave, killing 50.

During the ritual dinner with Patricia afterwards, conversation focused on Gigi and friends’s dream of an environmentally friendly retreat to get old together : The seagulls’ house or wisdom retreat.

22 / 12 / 10 - 13 : 45

Sikeli Raisuqe, Alofa Tuvalu biogas expert, presented Alofa Tuvalu's activities and its plan “Small is Beautiful” at the International Conference about Renewable Energies and Climate Change that took place at USP (University of South Pacific) in Fiji from December 6 to 8, 2010.

Despite the lack of time to prepare, Sarah and Sikeli did a great job and the audience was impressed by the number of Alofa Tuvalu's activities .

14 / 12 / 10 - 12 : 40

Sikeli Raisuqe, expert biogaz pour Alofa Tuvalu, a présenté les activités d'Alofa et son plan « Small is Beautiful » à la Conférence Internationale sur les Energies Renouvelables et les Changements Climatiques qui s’est tenue à l’USP (Université du Pacifique Sud) à Fiji du 6 au 8 décembre 2010.

En dépit du manque de temps pour préparer, lui et Sarah ont fait un joli travail et le public a été impressionné par le nombre d’actions menées de front SiB.

14 / 12 / 10 - 12 : 36

Branksome Hall Jr. School in Canada had organized a fundraising to donate money to Alofa Tuvalu last March.

Girls have been inspired, say the teacher Carol, “during our 'climate change' unit of inquiry to help the residents of two islands that we studied, Shishmaref (Arctic) and Tuvalu. As you can imagine, the plight of the people on these islands touched their hearts and opened their minds to what is happening in our world. The girls spent weeks creating a variety of items, like purses, necklaces, pillows, from recycled materials to sell to their school mates. They raised approximately $450.00 during their two day sale… Thank you for all of your hard work to help the people of Tuvalu.”

Carol sent that money mid September. Only yesterday could we access the 300 euros. Many many thanks to Carol Dugas and her ‘grade 5’ students and to Chris Horner who acted as an intermediary.

02 / 12 / 10 - 12 : 24

"Tierra al agua!" DOWNLOAD

Other versions available FOR FREE DOWNLOADING

29 / 11 / 10 - 18 : 37

Talofa Gilliane and your team.
I gave the message to the Toeaina Nanumea. But I think so it can be read in Tuvaluan your message was nicely narrated by Valu Semaia. She was saying how deeply affected yous and are holding a commemoration. I sat beside the daughter and I hugged her with the adopted boy grandchild. It was a very nice gathering not too overcrowded. At 2pm her body was taken for burial. The last event was the evening feast. There were pictures taken and I could not ask then, may be in the weekend when I do have some time. Thanks for remembering us in Tuvalu. With best wishes

17 / 11 / 10 - 09 : 30

I’m so sadden I cant even think straight. We had no idea Elega was sick. She was the best person we had found, as a friend and as a housekeeper. We want to tell that our thoughts are with her son Tali,her daughter and grand children, her niece Filmy and all of her family, relatives and friends in this tragic moment. We will all miss her so much and will hold a small ceremony here in Paris to pray for her. But we know that being such a good lady, her soul will directly go to heaven. Gilliane (and the alofa team in Paris)

I am very sad to hear the news about Elenga. She was such a lovely lady and one of the first people I met in Tuvalu. We always enjoyed a laugh together and I loved to play with her cats. She was also very talented at local crafts, weaving and making all kinds of wonderful handicrafts. I will treasure the mats and shells she made and I will miss her very much… Sincerely, Sarah

Some of Elega’s work on display in the “We Are All Tuvalu ” exhibition currently on at Mansfield Museum:

15 / 11 / 10 - 21 : 04

November 19th to 21st, 2010, the “European and Pacific Responses to climate change in the Pacific” conference at YMCA Youth Hostel Berlin (CVJM Jugendgästehaus Berlin).

Alofa Tuvalu’s friend and faithful support from the UK, Clemmie James, will be there, with quite an amount of the “Our planet under water” comic book in german and english in her suitcase, to display some of her work about Tuvalu and her beautiful project “Climatefriend

Here is the conference website

08 / 11 / 10 - 18 : 06

Here are some pictures : the exhibition setting up and workshop with children and some more on flickr
Project on facebook too !

06 / 10 / 10 - 14 : 54

05 / 10 / 10 - 18 : 00

04 / 10 / 10 - 18 : 00

01 / 10 / 10 - 18 : 00

Prime Minister : Maatia Toafa (MP for Nanumea Island)

Speaker : Isaia Taeia Italeli (MP for Nui Island)

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Environment and Labour : Enele Sopoaga (MP for Nukufetau Island)

Minister for Public Works and Natural Resources : Vete Sakaio (MP for Nuitao Island)

Minister for Communication, Transport, Fisheries : Taukelina Finikaso (MP for Vaitupu Island)

Minister for Education, Youth and Sports : Namoliki Sualiki Neemia (MP for Nukulaelae Island)

Minister for Finance and Planning : Monise Laafai (MP for Nanumanga Island)

Minister for Home Affairs : Willy Telavi (MP for Nanumea Island)

Minister for Health : Fauoa Maani (MP for Niutao Island)

29 / 09 / 10 - 17 : 07

Hi Guys,
No election news yet. (…) The vote for pm was due to be today, but now seems that Wednesday is most likely - so I will miss the fun...
Anyway - the electric scooter is in the repair shop - I had taken it over to John's last night to charge (we have had a lot of rain & his place is under cover) and was unplugging it when I got a shock & a burn on my finger (it went black with soot like a Tom & Jerry cartoon!! - but is ok). It looks like the bit where you attach the plug for the charger to the bike had come loose and some wires must have crossed over behind the panel. Anyway it should be fixable and is over at Grace's place.
John cooked a fantastic meal last night - really good. He is such a nice guy.
So my last evening in Tuvalu has been uneventful, so far!!
Cheers, sarah

27 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00

(…) We went to Tepuka with Eti yesterday for a picnic - it was fantastic - the snorkelling was great, lots of coral but it isn't in a good state though - much of it is broken & silted, but there are patches that are fairly healthy - mostly stag-horn. We also saw some dolphins on the way back...
(…) Cheers, Sarah

26 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00

I have refitted all the gas pipe for Amatuku and the bio meter and told Mr Lee what to do. He has to put more waste into the digester for it to produce gas. They have got more pigs on the pig pen but problems cleaning it. (…) Regards, sikeli

24 / 09 / 10 - 20 : 00

We had a lovely view last night of the Full Moon and Jupiter on the same horizontal line, rising at sunset, close together. As I was walking along the road a group of children were looking at the Moon, which then was partly obscured by light cloud, causing a coloured ‘corona’. One was pointing and saying ‘rainbow’. Not exactly right but near enough. So I pointed out Jupiter to them, and Venus in the opposite direction. All this fuss down here on Earth and the Heavens just continue as ever!, John

24 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00

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