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Since September 2010, Tuvalu has been going thru political tensions that came to a conclusion (or maybe not) last Sunday with the nomination of a new PM.

In December 2010, when a member of parliament crossed the floor, (i.e. went to the other party), the government in place since September, was replaced and a new PM, Willy Telavi, nominated.

Since then, Tuvalu experienced political feuds and court actions by the opposition. More tragically, 2 ministers died.

Last week, in August 2013, during a session of parliament, a vote of no confidence was delayed by a minister’s resignation and brought a situation where the Prime Minister and the Governor General forced each other to resign their office.

On Sunday August 4th, Enele Sopoaga was nominated as Prime Minister… and officially named on Tuesday August 6th 2013. A bye election for Nui is expected in Sept 2013 while the general election will be around Sept 2014.

Below is the situation described by Willy Telavi, before he was forced out.


The events surrounding the so called “political crisis” in Tuvalu as misreported in the mainstream media has been a great disappointment to the outgoing Government lead by Hon Willy Telavi and thus has the potential of compromising our reputation of a peaceful and democratic nation.

We would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight and advise the media of the sequence of events as they occurred.

Friday 28: - June Bye election for Nukufetau electorate concluded with Elisala Pita duly elected and joined the opposition. The Opposition then had the majority of 8 in the parliament’s total seats of 15.

Saturday 29: - June Opposition met the Governor General in his office

Sunday 30 June -

Monday 01 July - Hon Willy Telavi (outgoing Prime Minister) met the Governor General and requested to have the parliament dates submitted following week to give time to talk with Speaker and one Minister who are to return to the country following week

Tuesday 02 July – Opposition met the Governor General

Wednesday 03 July - Governor General exercised his powers to proclaimed parliament session to be held on 30 July without consulting the Prime Minister

Tuesday 30 July - Parliament met on Day one with Government Business on the agenda. The Opposition tried to move a motion to remove the government business and instead to be allocated as the private members day. The opposition had the feeling that they were being deprived of their rights to addressed parliament but after knowing the second day was allocated to them they were happy to listened and go by the agenda. Minister for Health resigned after some complications surfaced from his constituent Nui

Wednesday 31 July - A motion of no confidence was moved and the speaker explained that he could not allow parliament to proceed until the bye election for Nui has elected their MP. So the speaker adjourned the meeting for that reason. The Prime Minister did not have any involvement in this adjournment of the meeting.

In the afternoon the opposition submits a petition to the Governor General and a proclamation was issued by Governor General for parliament to re-convened on Friday to specifically deal with the motion of no confidence. The Prime Minister was never again consulted on this proclamation.

The Prime Minister emailed the Governor General to express his appointment for the above proclamation that was issued again with him knowing it when the speaker had adjourned the meeting. The Governor General responded saying that he was very disappointed with the speaker’s remarks made in parliament regarding Governor General’s proclamation of the 30 June meeting and also in addition to the petition by the Opposition and that was why he issued the second proclamation for Friday 2 August The Prime Minister requested an appointment with Governor General the following day 8.30am.

Thursday 01 August - The Prime Minister showed up at the Governor General’s office and was advised by security that Governor General was still in bed. The Prime Minister return home (1 minute away from Governor General’s residence) and not long the security came to advise Prime Minister that Governor General send his message that he was in bed for his headache. Prime Minister was trying to see the Governor General to resolve all these complications but was not given the chance.

Prime Minister met his cabinet members and given the incooperation of Governor General decided to remove Governor General. Prime Minister that morning in compliance to the requirement of the Constitution send twice a consulting letter to all MPs advising of his action. Following this the Prime Minister wrote a letter to HM the Queen in England recommending the removal of Governor General. Later that day the Governor General send a letter to the Prime Minister sacking the Prime Minister saying he was exercising his constitutional authority and his reserved powers and that the election of the new Prime Minister will be held on Saturday 4 August. Very interesting that in one incident in 2011 the Governor General wrote to the island of Nukufetau saying that he does not have any reserved powers. The Prime Minister maintained that the Governor General had exercised powers that he does not hold.

Section 51 (1) of the Constitution of Tuvalu is reproduced herewith “The privileges and functions of the Head State are those prescribed as such.” Nothing in the Constitution that make reference to the Governor General’s reserved powers.

Willy Telavi said that his removal as Prime Minister in a vote of no confidence that was passed in parliament on Friday is a blessing by Almighty God for him to take a rest giving others to display their quality of leaderships. Mr Telavi’s team was mostly affected by the death of his Minister for Natural Resources Isaia Taeia in 2011, the death of Minister of Finance Lotoala Metia in Dec 2012 and the prolong absent of Minster of Education Dr Falesa Pitoi for medical treatment overseas since early this year.
Mr Telavi further said that he was very sad to see his personal relations with the Governor General to come to this unwated situation given their excellent relationship that had existed during their career as former police officers,and in the same team of the administration under Apisai Ielemia Leadership from 2006. Mr Telavi was one of those who strongly recommended Sir Iakoba Taiea Italeli to the post of the Governor General.

07 / 08 / 13 - 12 : 55

Entre autres missions qu'ils avaient acceptées, nos deux alofiens Damien et Kaio devaient organiser un petit événement de sensibilisation aux changements climatiques à l'occasion de la remise aux écoles primaires de Tuvalu:
- d'une nouvelle donation de l'association Hunamar (fruit de la vente d'une collecte de 13000 de bouteilles plastiques par plus de 200 élèves marseillais)
- et du CD Ecolo'zik (enregistrement des 18 chansons lauréates du concours organisé par la Ligue de l'Enseignement en partenariat avec Alofa Tuvalu et qui a mobilisé plus d'un millier d'élèves d'Ile de France.)

Pour l'occasion, Kaio, l'un des plus actifs de nos membres tuvaluens, marin de métier, avait composé une chanson que les élèves ont entonné avant de brandir une banderole de remerciement à l'intention des jeunes français. Un enregistrement doit être rapatrié vers le siège parisien de l'association d'ici la fin du mois.

Juste après l'événement, Damien nous a fait parvenir une première série de photos et ce petit mot enthousiaste :
Salut !
Ce matin a eu lieu notre petit "event" avec les enfants de SDA et Nauti (environ une 30aine de participant).
Tout s'est super bien passé (la remise des cd, la chanson de Kaio, la remise des donations d'Hunamar, la prise de photos avec la banderole, le goûter etc.).
Les media était également là et m'ont assuré qu'ils/elles avaient déjà passé 2 ou 3 chansons à la radio.
A bientôt!

Fakafetai lasi lasi les garçons, vous avez assuré !

05 / 08 / 13 - 15 : 38

Remise de la publication Tuvalu Marine Life / Handing of the Tuvalu Marine Life publication

à Willy Telavi, Premier Ministre de Tuvalu
to Tuvalu Prime Minister Willy Telavi

et à Apisai Ielemia, Ministre des Affaires étrangères et de l'Environnement de Tuvalu
and to Apisai Ielemia, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Environment.

24 / 07 / 13 - 09 : 13

Remise des copies électroniques des rapports Tuvalu Marine Life / Handing of the Tuvalu Marine Life reports’ electronic copies

à Sam Finikaso, Patron du service des Pêches de Tuvalu
to Sam Finikaso, Head of Tuvalu Fisheries

et Uluao Lauti, représentant du Kaupule de Funafuti.
and Uluao Lauti, Funafuti Kaupule representative.

23 / 07 / 13 - 18 : 00

Remise du CD 2013 d'Ecolozik* à la Présidente d'Honneur d'Alofa Tuvalu, Nala Ielemia. (*un concours d'écriture de chansons sur Tuvalu, partenariat de la Ligue de l'Enseignement avec Alofa Tuvalu)

Handing of the 2013 Ecolozik CD* to Alofa Tuvalu Patron, Nala Ielemia *(a song writing contest about Tuvalu, a partnership between The Education League and Alofa Tuvalu).

22 / 07 / 13 - 18 : 00

Remise des cartes de l'Union de la Presse Francophone aux journalistes des Médias de Tuvalu / Handing of the UPF press cards to the Tuvalu media people.

21 / 07 / 13 - 18 : 00

26 / 06 / 13 - 11 : 33

I am currently attending the Pacific Science Inter-congress in Suva. Sarah, Teu, Mataio, Luke and Vili are also here at the meeting and we really appreciated the tremendous effort that was put up by Alofa Tuvalu for Climate Change in Tuvalu. It was highlighted in many presentation at this meeting. Bravo! Fakafetai lasi, manuia te aso! Sem

25 / 06 / 13 - 18 : 00

"It rained heavily last night so its good because people are starting to buy water, i havent seen other new project after your one but there are so many workshop after workshop but i think people just go there to eat.."

20 / 06 / 13 - 18 : 00

To get to the different reports:
- Preamble (in French)
- Preamble (in english)
- Synthesis report (in english)
- Scientific report (in english)
- Fieldwork report (in english)

Photos available on request, see
Also check our Youtube channel

For more info : alofatuvalu(a)alofatuvalu.tv

19 / 06 / 13 - 11 : 03

Ateliers pédagogiques sur Tuvalu et la biodiversité marine par l'association d'Ici et d'Ailleurs à l'aquarium de la Porte Dorée

June 6th and 8th, 2013: Kid awareness workshops about Tuvalu and Marine Life by the D'Ici et d'ailleurs association at the tropical aquarium in Paris.

06 / 06 / 13 - 18 : 00

05 / 06 / 13 - 18 : 00

Remise officielle de Tuvalu Marine Life à l'Ambassadeur de Tuvalu à Bruxelles, Unesco, UICN, CRISP/AFD et Fondation Total, suivie d'un Mardi de l'environnement spécial.

June 4th, 2013: Alofa Tuvalu hands the Tuvalu Marine Life publication to Tine Leuelu, Ambassador of Tuvalu to Belgium, to IUCN, UNESCO, CRISP/AFD and Total Foundation, at the tropical aquarium in Paris.

04 / 06 / 13 - 18 : 00

03 / 06 / 13 - 15 : 53

18 / 04 / 13 - 12 : 53

On April 15 & 18 John Hensford wrote :

I am trying to catch up on my work after being stranded in Suva for four days because of plane mechanical problems. There were 28 of us stranded in Suva, and of course many people delayed leaving Tuvalu.

I will be relocating to Australia very soon – in fact next week. Our business is very bad indeed and we’ve had to pare our expenses to the bone. Part of the economy is me moving out. I’ll still be doing my usual work, but from home. Eti and Sina will be moving out of their house shortly and moving in to my (former) house. That’s part of our economy drive.

It will be strange handing over the key of the door to Eti after living quite a substantial slice of my life (fifteen years) in Tuvalu. In terms of physical residence the only countries in which I have lived longer were England and Australia.

My moving gives the opportunity of cutting down on electricity consumption too. One month ago we switched off the airconditioners and I removed the batteries from the remote controls. Tomorrow our meters should be read. I’m anxiously waiting to see the bill. You see, we are doing our bit to save the environment! I have reduced the brilliance on our monitors from 100% (default) to 45% and have found it makes NO difference to the readability of the screen. All computers are on power saving plans that cuts off the monitors after 5 minutes of non-use and hibernates the hard drives after a further ten minutes. Also we have have fewer computers. The electric jugs are in the cupboard and water is now boiled on the gas stove. The twin tube fluorescent lights have one tube removed and we generally don’t use lighting during the day.

These are all things that the three of you have been doing for decades, I know. We are just catching up and I must say it is in large part because of your attitudes and guidance that I started these measures, which Eti and Sina have to continue. If I were remaining here I would find it necessary to have some airconditioning. It’s 32 in the office just now (mid-morning) but in the afternoon it will go above 35 and that for me is hard to take. I don’t think clearly then.

Bye for now. John

18 / 04 / 13 - 12 : 47

17 / 04 / 13 - 11 : 56

Le 10 avril 2013
Café de la Danse
5 passage Louis Philippe
75011 Paris
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03 / 04 / 13 - 12 : 24

"Climate scientists have linked the massive snowstorms and bitter spring weather now being experienced across Britain and large parts of Europe and North America to the dramatic loss of Arctic sea ice."
... full article by John Vidal in The Guardian

03 / 04 / 13 - 11 : 45

"Des scientifiques établissent le lien entre ce printemps très froid et la fonte des glaces de l'Arctique." Article complet dans le blog Mediapart de Antony Manuel

02 / 04 / 13 - 18 : 00

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