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Talofa !
On Thursday November 21 2013, Unions and international NGO’s decided to leave the COP19 negociations. The objective : to protest, in solidarity with the victims of Climate Change facing the steps backward of gathered countries in Warsaw : (Japan climbing down, Australian crises, firing of the Polish Environment Minister replaced with a pro shale gas)… and to send a strong message : enough is enough ! Alofa Tuvalu, as part of the Board of the Climate Action Network France (RAC), is very proud of this strong demonstration of our common deep disappointment,

Warsaw Climate Conference of the Parties : ENOUGH !

The NGO’s joint statement:

Organizations and movements representing people from every corner of the Earth have decided that the best use of our time is to voluntarily withdraw from the Warsaw climate talks. Instead, we are now focusing on mobilizing people to push our governments to take leadership for serious climate action.
We have said we stand in solidarity with the millions impacted by Typhoon Haiyan, and with all climate impacted people. Our solidarity compels us to tell the truth about COP 19 – the Warsaw Climate Conference.

In fact, the actions of many rich countries here in Warsaw are directly undermining the UNFCCC itself, which is an important multilateral process that must succeed if we are to fix the global climate crisis.
The Warsaw Conference started off on the wrong foot, with a “Coal & Climate Summit” being held in conjunction, corporate sponsorship from big polluters plastered all over the venue, and a Presidency that is beholden to the coal and fracking industry. Things only got worse during the first week, when Japan announced that it was following Canada and backtracking on mitigation commitments previously made, and Australia gave multiple signals that it was utterly unwilling to take the UN climate process seriously.
This week saw a “finance ministerial” with almost no actual finance, and loss and damage talks that have stalled because rich countries refuse to engage on substance. Warsaw has not seen any increase in emission reductions or support for adaptation before 2020 – and on many of these things it has actually taken us backward. And a clear pathway to a comprehensive and fair agreement in Paris 2015 is missing.

We as civil society are ready to engage with ministers and delegations who actually come to negotiate in good faith. But at the Warsaw Conference, developed country governments have come with nothing to offer. Developing country governments are also failing to stand up for the needs and rights of their people. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott posted a video to mark the opening of the 44th parliament, saying the ‘adults are back in charge’, as he seeks to abolish the carbon tax.
It is clear that if countries continue acting in this way, the next two days of negotiations will not deliver the climate action the world so desperately needs.

Therefore, organizations and movements representing people from every corner of the Earth have decided that the best use of our time is not to further engage in the Warsaw climate talks. Instead, we are now going back to mobilize people to push our governments to take leadership for serious climate action. We will work to transform our food and energy systems at a national and global level and rebuild a broken economic system to create a sustainable and low-carbon economy with decent jobs and livelihoods for all. And we will put pressure on everyone to do more.

Coming out of the Warsaw Climate Conference, it is clear that without such pressure, our governments cannot be trusted to do what the world needs. We will return with the voice of the people in Lima to hold our governments accountable to the vision of a sustainable and just future.

21 / 11 / 13 - 17 : 47

21 / 11 / 13 - 13 : 55

To whom it may concern:

We are an NGO based out of Japan and Tuvalu called Tuvalu Overview (http://www.tuvalu-overview.tv/ eng/). We are contacting you as we would like to share an important message from the Prime Minister of Tuvalu regarding Japan's possible use of nuclear power.

In September this year, Nobuteru Ishihara, Japan's Minister of the Environment / Minister of State for the Nuclear Emergency Preparedness, visited Tuvalu, took a tour around the island and spoke with the country's Prime Minister Hon. Enele Sopoaga. There, both countries' PMs gained consensus on the fact that island countries are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change and that climate change is a matter of life-and-death for the people and the country's existence itself. After this visit, we had an opportunity to speak with Tuvalu's PM Sopoaga concerning Japan's possible use of nuclear power.

The video message for media is the following: http://youtu.be/biGrA2rQD7E

Japan's Minister Ishihara will soon arrive at the COP19 and officially announce the country's mid-term reduction target. This figure that is about to be officially announced has already been criticized as a major step backward and many has called for a revision. On a relevant note, Tuvalu's PM appeals not to consider nuclear power as an alternative to fossil fuels, and we feel that it is important to share this message.

If you have any questions on the matter, please feel free to contact us at info@tuvalu-overview.tv

Mr. Shuuichi Endou
President of NGO Tuvalu Overview
Tuvalu environmental goodwill ambassador
<Tuvalu's PM appeals.pdf>

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20 / 11 / 13 - 12 : 10

COP 19 Climate Capture: Stop the corporate takeover and expansion of carbon markets now!

EU and big polluters ignore climate action – pushing to expand carbon markets at COP19

Brussels, 7th November 2013

The EU aims to expand carbon markets that would benefit big polluters at the UN climate talks, COP19 in Poland, says a Statement signed by 135+ groups, movements and networks from all over the world. The Statement denounces the corporate capture of COP19 by the same companies that stand to profit.

“The European Commission and the carbon crooks who turn profits from the failing EU ETS are pushing for a lifeline through linking up markets, foreshadowing a global carbon market,” stated Tamra Gilbertson from Carbon Trade Watch.[1]

COP19 partners, explains the statement, include Polish energy group PGE, whose Belchatow coal-fired plant was the biggest polluter and the biggest recipient of free allowances in 2012.[2] “COP19 will be the most extreme case of corporate capture we have seen within the COP,” according to Belén Balanyá from Corporate Europe Observatory, “The Polish government has granted partner status to eleven companies, among them climate culprits with horrendous track records – such as ArcelorMittal, the biggest beneficiary from the EU ETS, and auto maker BMW – who are blocking EU’s attempts to reduce emissions from cars for decades.”

The statement highlights the links between the Polish Ministery of Economy and the coal industry, who are organising a Coal and Climate Summit in parallel to the climate talks. “The cooperation between the coal industry and the Polish government is blatant” says Maxime Combes from Attac France, “they have drafted a communiqué promoting coal as a solution to the climate crisis. Coal is one of the dirtiest energy sources, fuelling climate change.” Rather than consuming coal and fossil fuels, EU countries should enable a just transition to a post-fossil fuel society. It is time to scrap the ETS and other attempts to commodify nature, time to leave fossil fuels and minerals in the ground, and time to start a real transition towards just and people-driven alternatives.

Read the statement: English | Español | Français

For more information contact:
- Tamra Gilbertson, Carbon Trade Watch (Spain 0034 625498083)
- Maxime Combes, Attac France, (France, 0033 624512944)
- Belén Balanyá, Corporate Europe Observatory (Netherlands 0031 633090386)
- Lyda Fernanda Forero, Transnational Institute (Netherlands 0031 685086340)

[1] Discussions on the Framework for Various Approaches (FVA) would be the first step towards allowing the trading of permits from different emissions trading schemes (dangerously including permits created outside of the UNFCCC) to be used for compliance with targets under the Convention. Many industrialised countries see this as a paving stone to a global carbon market.

[2] “EU ETS emissions dropped by 1.4% in 2012”, ENDS Europe, 2 April 2013, http://www.endseurope.com/31222/

07 / 11 / 13 - 14 : 59

In less than a year, world leaders will be gathering at the United Nations to address the climate crisis and to set the ambition levels for international action on climate change. Send them a strong message:

"The climate is becoming dangerously imbalanced due to human interference, and the choices we make in the next two years will determine our future. Now is our moment, before climate disruption becomes irreversible, to stand up for the safety and wellbeing of people – at home and around the world."

Watch the video "Last Hours" narrated by Thom Hartmann about the "time bomb" that is ticking underground, underwater and under ice… frozen methane that is now escaping and could trigger runaway climate change. Visit http://lasthours.org

Take action !

28 / 10 / 13 - 09 : 06

160 événéments dans 48 pays. Samedi 5 octobre, des milliers de personnes se sont mobilisées avec nous pour demander la libération des 30 de l’Arctique, toujours emprisonnés en Russie.

07 / 10 / 13 - 16 : 12

Vous ne pourrez pas venir ? Des moments importants d'Alternatiba, le village des alternatives qui sera installé en plein coeur de Bayonne le dimanche 6 octobre, seront restransmis en vidéo en direct sur Libération.fr et Sudouest.fr :

À 10H, la conférence plénière "Ensemble, construisons un monde meilleur en relevant le défi climatique" avec Christophe Cassou (climatologue), Patrick Viveret (philosophe) et Geneviève Azam (maître de conférences en économie et chercheuse)

À 14H, la conférence plénière "Face à la crise sociale et écologique, quels changements dans l'économie et la société ?" avec notamment Corinne Morel Darleux (coordonnatrice de l'Abécédaire des radicalités concrètes), Jean-Marie Harribey (co-président des Economistes Atterrés) et Pierre Larrouturou (économiste, porte-parole du Collectif Roosevelt)

Et à 17H30, un hommage exceptionnel à Stéphane Hessel, le parrain d'Alternatiba, qui sera un temps fort sur l'engagement climatique, comprenant des moments politiques et artistiques forts, et notamment la participation de Mme Christiane Hessel, Juan Lopez de Uralde (activiste climatique arrêté à Copenhague en 2009, ancien directeur de Greenpeace Espagne), Jean-François Bernardini (chanteur d'I Muvrini), Christian Planque (de la Confédération Paysanne, proche de Stéphane Hessel), Germain Sarhy (fondateur du Village Emmaüs Lescar-Pau).

Et pour ceux et celles qui n'ont pas pu avoir de places au Forum sur le changement climatique du samedi 5 octobre, vous pourrez le suivre en direct sur le site du quotidien Sud-Ouest.fr

Merci de faire circuler ce message pour que des milliers et des milliers de gens puissent visionner cet événement, et ainsi participer à en faire un acte fondateur d'une nouvelle mobilisation citoyenne pour le climat!

Si les alternatives existent, qu'attend-on pour les mettre en place ?

L'équipe d'Alternatiba

04 / 10 / 13 - 10 : 39

Samedi 5 et dimanche 6 octobre à Bayonne: Une mobilisation citoyenne pour le climat sans précédent en Europe depuis le sommet de Copenhague en 2009

Plus de mille personnes à pied d’oeuvre pour installer et faire vivre le Village des alternatives au changement climatique, en pleine actualité de la publication le 27 septembre du 5ème rapport du GIEC (résumé aux décideurs du Volet I) :

- 100 conférenciers dont de nombreuses personnalités ( Christophe Aguiton, Geneviève Azam, Eva Joly, José Bové, Annick Coupé, Jean-Marie Harribey, Hervé Kempf, Pierre Larrouturou, Corinne Morel Darleux, le climatologue du CERFACS Christophe Cassou, le co-fondateur de la Via Campesina Paul Nicholson, le président de NégaWatt Thierry Salomon, Patrick Viveret, etc.)
- 200 artistes
- 200 exposants
- 500 bénévoles

91 organisations et réseaux appelant à Alternatiba dont les Amis de la Terre-France et les Amis de la Terre-Espagne, ATTAC-France, Biocoop, le Collectif Roosevelt, la Confédération Paysanne, la FSU, Enercoop, la Fondation Danielle Mitterrand-France Libertés, la Fondation Nicolas Hulot, Greenpeace, la NEF, le Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire, Slow Food France, Surfrider Foundation Europe, Union Syndicale Solidaires, etc.

Des milliers de personnes attendues de toute la France et d’une partie de l’Europe.

Un évènement particulièrement visuel : le centre de Bayonne rendu piéton, chaque rue et place transformée en lieu d’exposition et de démonstration des alternatives sociales et écologiques existant d’ores et déjà dans une quinzaine de domaines (agriculture et alimentation, éco-habitat, transports, consommation ou finance responsable, énergie, alternatives municipales et territoriales…). Des arts et du théâtre de rue, des repas de quartier, un marché paysan, une bourse aux vélos, une zone de troc, etc. le tout fonctionnant en monnaie locale.
Un espace climat sous un grand chapiteau de 1000 mètres carrés

Un important hommage à Stéphane Hessel, parrain du projet Alternatiba, en présence de son épouse et de nombre de ses proches, avec prises de paroles appelant à s’engager pour relever le défi climatique et moments artistiques forts, devant des milliers de personnes. Un concert animé par les Motivés (musiciens et chanteurs de Zebda + invités) et d’autres groupes.

Une journée qui se veut rampe de lancement pour une nouvelle dynamique de mobilisation populaire sur le climat dans la perspective de l’importante COP21 (sommet onusien sur le changement climatique) qui se tiendra à Paris fin 2015.

Le site : Alternatiba

04 / 10 / 13 - 10 : 35

Hervé Kempf écrit sur l'environnement depuis près de 30 ans et au Monde depuis pas loin de 20. Il a jeté l'éponge quand le Monde a décidé de ne plus éditer de pages "Terre". C'est dire le sérieux avec lequel "ils" prennent les problèmes environnementaux au Monde...

Le site de Kempf, "Reporterre", est le Mediapart (un autre qui a claqué la porte du Monde) de l'environnement :)

A votre bon coeur, si vous avez une petite pièce pour "Reporterre" ce serait génial...

30 / 09 / 13 - 09 : 28

Ce matin à 10h, le GIEC a tenu sa conférence de presse pour annoncer les grandes conclusions du rapport sur l'évolution des changements climatiques dans le monde.

En très bref:
- le rapport nous dit que le changement climatique est en marche et s'aggravera dans les années qui viennent
- les impacts sont déjà visibles: montée des mers, acidification des océans, démultiplication du nombre et de la violence des sécheresses.
- En 2012, les 800 évènements extrêmes recensés ont déplacé 32 millions de personnes, coûté 130 milliards de dollars en pertes économiques et trop de vies humaines (Sandy = 132).
- Le changement climatique coûte déjà 1,6% du PIB mondial chaque année
- La pollution de l'air et pourrait causer 3 millions de morts prématurées en 2100.
- Si nous n'agissons pas drastiquement et immédiatement, nous nous dirigeons vers le scénario le plus pessimiste (plus de 5°C). Soit un niveau de réchauffement auquel nous ne sommes pas forcément capable de nous adapter.
- Heureusement, les solutions existent - La Chine investit massivement, les villes au nord et au sud également. L'Allemagne a entamé sa transition énergétique et créé 380 000 emplois. Au Burkina, on construit une centrale solaire de 30 megawatt.
Toutes les solutions sont créatrices d'emploi, de bénéfices économiques et d'espoir.
Ce qui manque en France et ailleurs, c'est la volonté politique de changer les lois, d'adapter les budgets et la fiscalité.
François Hollande a 4 échéances proches pour changer la donne: la loi sur la transition énergétique, la loi de finance 2014, la loi de programmation sur le développement et la solidarité international et le prochain paquet énergie-climat européen.

Le résumé pour les décideurs est disponible ici : http://www.climatechange2013.org/images/uploads/WGIAR5-SPM_Approved27Sep2013.pdf

Le RAC crée un site pédagogique www.leclimatchange.fr

27 / 09 / 13 - 17 : 58

13 / 09 / 13 - 17 : 08

Retrouvez Vibrato, l'émission quotidienne de Kent diffusée du 29 juillet au 23 août 2013 sur France Inter en podcast ici

26 / 08 / 13 - 12 : 36

Since September 2010, Tuvalu has been going thru political tensions that came to a conclusion (or maybe not) last Sunday with the nomination of a new PM.

In December 2010, when a member of parliament crossed the floor, (i.e. went to the other party), the government in place since September, was replaced and a new PM, Willy Telavi, nominated.

Since then, Tuvalu experienced political feuds and court actions by the opposition. More tragically, 2 ministers died.

Last week, in August 2013, during a session of parliament, a vote of no confidence was delayed by a minister’s resignation and brought a situation where the Prime Minister and the Governor General forced each other to resign their office.

On Sunday August 4th, Enele Sopoaga was nominated as Prime Minister… and officially named on Tuesday August 6th 2013. A bye election for Nui is expected in Sept 2013 while the general election will be around Sept 2014.

Below is the situation described by Willy Telavi, before he was forced out.


The events surrounding the so called “political crisis” in Tuvalu as misreported in the mainstream media has been a great disappointment to the outgoing Government lead by Hon Willy Telavi and thus has the potential of compromising our reputation of a peaceful and democratic nation.

We would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight and advise the media of the sequence of events as they occurred.

Friday 28: - June Bye election for Nukufetau electorate concluded with Elisala Pita duly elected and joined the opposition. The Opposition then had the majority of 8 in the parliament’s total seats of 15.

Saturday 29: - June Opposition met the Governor General in his office

Sunday 30 June -

Monday 01 July - Hon Willy Telavi (outgoing Prime Minister) met the Governor General and requested to have the parliament dates submitted following week to give time to talk with Speaker and one Minister who are to return to the country following week

Tuesday 02 July – Opposition met the Governor General

Wednesday 03 July - Governor General exercised his powers to proclaimed parliament session to be held on 30 July without consulting the Prime Minister

Tuesday 30 July - Parliament met on Day one with Government Business on the agenda. The Opposition tried to move a motion to remove the government business and instead to be allocated as the private members day. The opposition had the feeling that they were being deprived of their rights to addressed parliament but after knowing the second day was allocated to them they were happy to listened and go by the agenda. Minister for Health resigned after some complications surfaced from his constituent Nui

Wednesday 31 July - A motion of no confidence was moved and the speaker explained that he could not allow parliament to proceed until the bye election for Nui has elected their MP. So the speaker adjourned the meeting for that reason. The Prime Minister did not have any involvement in this adjournment of the meeting.

In the afternoon the opposition submits a petition to the Governor General and a proclamation was issued by Governor General for parliament to re-convened on Friday to specifically deal with the motion of no confidence. The Prime Minister was never again consulted on this proclamation.

The Prime Minister emailed the Governor General to express his appointment for the above proclamation that was issued again with him knowing it when the speaker had adjourned the meeting. The Governor General responded saying that he was very disappointed with the speaker’s remarks made in parliament regarding Governor General’s proclamation of the 30 June meeting and also in addition to the petition by the Opposition and that was why he issued the second proclamation for Friday 2 August The Prime Minister requested an appointment with Governor General the following day 8.30am.

Thursday 01 August - The Prime Minister showed up at the Governor General’s office and was advised by security that Governor General was still in bed. The Prime Minister return home (1 minute away from Governor General’s residence) and not long the security came to advise Prime Minister that Governor General send his message that he was in bed for his headache. Prime Minister was trying to see the Governor General to resolve all these complications but was not given the chance.

Prime Minister met his cabinet members and given the incooperation of Governor General decided to remove Governor General. Prime Minister that morning in compliance to the requirement of the Constitution send twice a consulting letter to all MPs advising of his action. Following this the Prime Minister wrote a letter to HM the Queen in England recommending the removal of Governor General. Later that day the Governor General send a letter to the Prime Minister sacking the Prime Minister saying he was exercising his constitutional authority and his reserved powers and that the election of the new Prime Minister will be held on Saturday 4 August. Very interesting that in one incident in 2011 the Governor General wrote to the island of Nukufetau saying that he does not have any reserved powers. The Prime Minister maintained that the Governor General had exercised powers that he does not hold.

Section 51 (1) of the Constitution of Tuvalu is reproduced herewith “The privileges and functions of the Head State are those prescribed as such.” Nothing in the Constitution that make reference to the Governor General’s reserved powers.

Willy Telavi said that his removal as Prime Minister in a vote of no confidence that was passed in parliament on Friday is a blessing by Almighty God for him to take a rest giving others to display their quality of leaderships. Mr Telavi’s team was mostly affected by the death of his Minister for Natural Resources Isaia Taeia in 2011, the death of Minister of Finance Lotoala Metia in Dec 2012 and the prolong absent of Minster of Education Dr Falesa Pitoi for medical treatment overseas since early this year.
Mr Telavi further said that he was very sad to see his personal relations with the Governor General to come to this unwated situation given their excellent relationship that had existed during their career as former police officers,and in the same team of the administration under Apisai Ielemia Leadership from 2006. Mr Telavi was one of those who strongly recommended Sir Iakoba Taiea Italeli to the post of the Governor General.

07 / 08 / 13 - 12 : 55

Entre autres missions qu'ils avaient acceptées, nos deux alofiens Damien et Kaio devaient organiser un petit événement de sensibilisation aux changements climatiques à l'occasion de la remise aux écoles primaires de Tuvalu:
- d'une nouvelle donation de l'association Hunamar (fruit de la vente d'une collecte de 13000 de bouteilles plastiques par plus de 200 élèves marseillais)
- et du CD Ecolo'zik (enregistrement des 18 chansons lauréates du concours organisé par la Ligue de l'Enseignement en partenariat avec Alofa Tuvalu et qui a mobilisé plus d'un millier d'élèves d'Ile de France.)

Pour l'occasion, Kaio, l'un des plus actifs de nos membres tuvaluens, marin de métier, avait composé une chanson que les élèves ont entonné avant de brandir une banderole de remerciement à l'intention des jeunes français. Un enregistrement doit être rapatrié vers le siège parisien de l'association d'ici la fin du mois.

Juste après l'événement, Damien nous a fait parvenir une première série de photos et ce petit mot enthousiaste :
Salut !
Ce matin a eu lieu notre petit "event" avec les enfants de SDA et Nauti (environ une 30aine de participant).
Tout s'est super bien passé (la remise des cd, la chanson de Kaio, la remise des donations d'Hunamar, la prise de photos avec la banderole, le goûter etc.).
Les media était également là et m'ont assuré qu'ils/elles avaient déjà passé 2 ou 3 chansons à la radio.
A bientôt!

Fakafetai lasi lasi les garçons, vous avez assuré !

05 / 08 / 13 - 15 : 38

Remise de la publication Tuvalu Marine Life / Handing of the Tuvalu Marine Life publication

à Willy Telavi, Premier Ministre de Tuvalu
to Tuvalu Prime Minister Willy Telavi

et à Apisai Ielemia, Ministre des Affaires étrangères et de l'Environnement de Tuvalu
and to Apisai Ielemia, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Environment.

24 / 07 / 13 - 09 : 13

Remise des copies électroniques des rapports Tuvalu Marine Life / Handing of the Tuvalu Marine Life reports’ electronic copies

à Sam Finikaso, Patron du service des Pêches de Tuvalu
to Sam Finikaso, Head of Tuvalu Fisheries

et Uluao Lauti, représentant du Kaupule de Funafuti.
and Uluao Lauti, Funafuti Kaupule representative.

23 / 07 / 13 - 18 : 00

Remise du CD 2013 d'Ecolozik* à la Présidente d'Honneur d'Alofa Tuvalu, Nala Ielemia. (*un concours d'écriture de chansons sur Tuvalu, partenariat de la Ligue de l'Enseignement avec Alofa Tuvalu)

Handing of the 2013 Ecolozik CD* to Alofa Tuvalu Patron, Nala Ielemia *(a song writing contest about Tuvalu, a partnership between The Education League and Alofa Tuvalu).

22 / 07 / 13 - 18 : 00

Remise des cartes de l'Union de la Presse Francophone aux journalistes des Médias de Tuvalu / Handing of the UPF press cards to the Tuvalu media people.

21 / 07 / 13 - 18 : 00

26 / 06 / 13 - 11 : 33

I am currently attending the Pacific Science Inter-congress in Suva. Sarah, Teu, Mataio, Luke and Vili are also here at the meeting and we really appreciated the tremendous effort that was put up by Alofa Tuvalu for Climate Change in Tuvalu. It was highlighted in many presentation at this meeting. Bravo! Fakafetai lasi, manuia te aso! Sem

25 / 06 / 13 - 18 : 00

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