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Talofa Gilliane and your team.
I gave the message to the Toeaina Nanumea. But I think so it can be read in Tuvaluan your message was nicely narrated by Valu Semaia. She was saying how deeply affected yous and are holding a commemoration. I sat beside the daughter and I hugged her with the adopted boy grandchild. It was a very nice gathering not too overcrowded. At 2pm her body was taken for burial. The last event was the evening feast. There were pictures taken and I could not ask then, may be in the weekend when I do have some time. Thanks for remembering us in Tuvalu. With best wishes

17 / 11 / 10 - 09 : 30

I’m so sadden I cant even think straight. We had no idea Elega was sick. She was the best person we had found, as a friend and as a housekeeper. We want to tell that our thoughts are with her son Tali,her daughter and grand children, her niece Filmy and all of her family, relatives and friends in this tragic moment. We will all miss her so much and will hold a small ceremony here in Paris to pray for her. But we know that being such a good lady, her soul will directly go to heaven. Gilliane (and the alofa team in Paris)

I am very sad to hear the news about Elenga. She was such a lovely lady and one of the first people I met in Tuvalu. We always enjoyed a laugh together and I loved to play with her cats. She was also very talented at local crafts, weaving and making all kinds of wonderful handicrafts. I will treasure the mats and shells she made and I will miss her very much… Sincerely, Sarah

Some of Elega’s work on display in the “We Are All Tuvalu ” exhibition currently on at Mansfield Museum:

15 / 11 / 10 - 21 : 04

November 19th to 21st, 2010, the “European and Pacific Responses to climate change in the Pacific” conference at YMCA Youth Hostel Berlin (CVJM Jugendgästehaus Berlin).

Alofa Tuvalu’s friend and faithful support from the UK, Clemmie James, will be there, with quite an amount of the “Our planet under water” comic book in german and english in her suitcase, to display some of her work about Tuvalu and her beautiful project “Climatefriend

Here is the conference website

08 / 11 / 10 - 18 : 06

Here are some pictures : the exhibition setting up and workshop with children and some more on flickr
Project on facebook too !

06 / 10 / 10 - 14 : 54

05 / 10 / 10 - 18 : 00

04 / 10 / 10 - 18 : 00

01 / 10 / 10 - 18 : 00

Prime Minister : Maatia Toafa (MP for Nanumea Island)

Speaker : Isaia Taeia Italeli (MP for Nui Island)

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Environment and Labour : Enele Sopoaga (MP for Nukufetau Island)

Minister for Public Works and Natural Resources : Vete Sakaio (MP for Nuitao Island)

Minister for Communication, Transport, Fisheries : Taukelina Finikaso (MP for Vaitupu Island)

Minister for Education, Youth and Sports : Namoliki Sualiki Neemia (MP for Nukulaelae Island)

Minister for Finance and Planning : Monise Laafai (MP for Nanumanga Island)

Minister for Home Affairs : Willy Telavi (MP for Nanumea Island)

Minister for Health : Fauoa Maani (MP for Niutao Island)

29 / 09 / 10 - 17 : 07

Hi Guys,
No election news yet. (…) The vote for pm was due to be today, but now seems that Wednesday is most likely - so I will miss the fun...
Anyway - the electric scooter is in the repair shop - I had taken it over to John's last night to charge (we have had a lot of rain & his place is under cover) and was unplugging it when I got a shock & a burn on my finger (it went black with soot like a Tom & Jerry cartoon!! - but is ok). It looks like the bit where you attach the plug for the charger to the bike had come loose and some wires must have crossed over behind the panel. Anyway it should be fixable and is over at Grace's place.
John cooked a fantastic meal last night - really good. He is such a nice guy.
So my last evening in Tuvalu has been uneventful, so far!!
Cheers, sarah

27 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00

(…) We went to Tepuka with Eti yesterday for a picnic - it was fantastic - the snorkelling was great, lots of coral but it isn't in a good state though - much of it is broken & silted, but there are patches that are fairly healthy - mostly stag-horn. We also saw some dolphins on the way back...
(…) Cheers, Sarah

26 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00

I have refitted all the gas pipe for Amatuku and the bio meter and told Mr Lee what to do. He has to put more waste into the digester for it to produce gas. They have got more pigs on the pig pen but problems cleaning it. (…) Regards, sikeli

24 / 09 / 10 - 20 : 00

We had a lovely view last night of the Full Moon and Jupiter on the same horizontal line, rising at sunset, close together. As I was walking along the road a group of children were looking at the Moon, which then was partly obscured by light cloud, causing a coloured ‘corona’. One was pointing and saying ‘rainbow’. Not exactly right but near enough. So I pointed out Jupiter to them, and Venus in the opposite direction. All this fuss down here on Earth and the Heavens just continue as ever!, John

24 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00

(…) I was just going to pop in & see Nala with Florent & Scott after 3pm but I didn't manage to wake up because I got too much sun when we were biomass sampling the other day (it was hot - factor 50 sun cream & still got badly burnt!), so I thought I would just have 5 minutes to cool down on the bed in front of the fan..... and napped between 3 & 7!!! Ooops!!

However, this evening, Scott & I went over to see Nala - Scott wanted a photo with for his poster presentation at our university research conference...

Sikeli said his digester was up and running well.

Cheers, Sarah

23 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00

We did a fieldwork with students at USP - doing a biomass assessment of the ocean and lagoon sides of the causeway - will be working on the results with the students tomorrow... Cheers, Sarah

22 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00

(…) GoT is very quiet at the moment because there are no MP's here - they are still on outer islands as Nivaga has broken down.

I am writing "off-line" - so unsure as to when you will receive it - because we have had no internet connection now for several days, except for a few brief periods of maybe 15 minutes every so often (the problem with the late election results is that there were no lines of communication between Funafuti & outer islands - more problems for telecom... we still have no phone connection at the house...). Even the GoT internet was down earlier this morning!!

Florent & I had a meeting with Diana today. I gave Diana the details of what we have been doing in Nanumea (also gave an interview before we went) so I am learning my lessons about media communication - thanks Gilliane!!! Both interviews are going out on the news this evening (I think Diana was grateful for the stories as it is so slack here at the moment!!).

(…) Sikeli was in Amatuku yesterday - I have not had chance to see him yet as it has been absolute madness... Yesterday I was in a mess after staying up all night to hear Thursdays election results (Panapasi left TMC at 6.30am!!). So I had an early night yesterday evening and didn't manage to see Sikeli after he got back from Amatuku, and Sikeli was out with his Fijian mates and I think all the boys were out until around 3am!! Today, I haven't had sight nor sound of Sikeli either.... So I will see what the situation is re the pipe and the re-fit when I manage to catch up with him...

(…) I will go-ahead with the purchasing for Nanumea as soon as Risassi gets back...
Bye for now, Sarah

21 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00

Tuvalu Election Results - September 20, 2010

After last week's national elections, the elected members of Tuvalu’s new Parliament are returning to Funafuti, the capital, from their home islands. From the 15 members, a new government will be formed to lead for the next 4 years. With one of Tuvalu’s two passenger vessels out of commission, this might take longer than usual, but the new Tuvaluan Government-members are expected to be sworn in before Tuvalu celebrates its 32nd Anniversary as an independent nation on October 1st.
According to Mrs Le Gallic, Alofa Tuvalu President, “tthe results seem to show that the Tuvaluan communities were satisfied with the previous government: 8 of the 10 members of Government were re-elected and 3 of 5 members of the opposition lost their seat. The new government should be a good one”.

Elected MPs
Maatia Toafa (531) & Willy Telavi (443)
Monise Laafai (379) & Falesa Pitoi (296)
Fauoa Mani (314) & Vete Sakaio (314)
Isaia Italeli (263) &
Taom Tanukale (246)
Apisai Ielemia (597) & Taukelina Finikaso (541)
Enele Sopoaga (490) & 
Lotoala Metia (399)
Kausea Natano (436) & Kamuta Latasi (302)

Namoliki Sualiki (148)

20 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00

In Paris, we got the first results via Japan, thru Kelesoma’s facebook. He was listening to Radio Tuvalu and was kind enough to write his notes in English for us to get things right. Eliala in Fiji was following closely on facebook as well. Sandrine got the news live too. She was visiting the Parisian office during her holidays in France. The last results came via Taukiei’s facebook at around 11pm Paris Time.

17 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00

16 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00

(…) No election results in yet...
I will be popping over to TMC later to check up. At the house we are in the midst of a 2 day party at Amosa's place. It was rocking last night & has been rolling on all day so far... Another 2 pigs are roasting as I write, so I might go over later to have some....

Its quite buzzy here at the moment, but everyone appears to be good natured. I have heard that the brethren were not allowed to vote in the falekaupule on one of the outer islands, so the polling station had to be moved outside!! But there have been many rumours flying around, so I am not too sure about the accuracy of this one...

GEF/UNDP (…) Reminds me of a report I wrote some years ago for big EU project I was running - I was asked to prioritise the risks to the project. The list included natural disasters, civil war, political unrest, etc... I crossed them all out and put "late-payment of the funding tranche by the EU"... They were not amused, but it was true! And they were 4 months late!! And it is the same for this project - we have built up quite a lot of community support and enthusiasm for the activities in Nanumea - but momentum will be lost if we cannot follow through with the pig-pens and next round of stuff...

Families involved in Nanumea have been trained as trainers and will do demonstrations for the community for which they will get paid per demo and per month once up & running - demonstrating digester & garden) - this will move them away from the "dependency" of the Amatuku payment system as they will look after the digester as a matter of course (getting gas and compost as a personal benefit) and be paid for any additional community-related events...

Some sad news about Isala - he passed away on Tuesday evening.

We are starting on the Amatuku re-fit tomorrow. Have had some difficulties in tracking down the PVC pipe that arrived from Fiji. Still haven't found it yet... So will let you know how that saga turns out...
Cheers, Sarah

14 / 09 / 10 - 18 : 00


13 / 09 / 10 - 16 : 00

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